I was off this weekend (thank goodness) so I had a great weekend with sweet Adalyn and Adam. On Friday, Adalyn started clapping!! I was feeding her breakfast and all of a sudden she breaks out clapping and laughing! It was the cutest thing. I guess she was so excited about her Mango's she was eating and just couldn't contain herself. Of course, my camera was in the living room so I ran to get it and when i came back, I politely asked her to clap again for momma and she just looked at me. Ha. So I assumed she wouldn't clap again for a long time. Just like rolling over, she rolled over for the 1st time back in march, and it took her a few weeks to even act liked she cared to do it again! Anyway, after breakfast we headed to the great-grandparents to spend the day with them. After packing up diapers, wipes, extra change of clothes, and loads of toys, we were headed to Hillsboro. To my surprise, grandmother and Adalyn were playing pat-a-cake and she started clapping again! and from that point forward, she hasn't stopped. haha. She breaks out in clapping whenever she feels the need. It's so darn cute. We have been practicing with her on clapping for the longest, but I guess she's like her momma and doesn't catch on quickly. hahaha!

That night, we headed over to Granna and Granddaddy's. Mommy and Daddy got in the hot tub while Adalyn hung out in her Johnny Jump-Up.
Saturday morning came and I started cleaning. For you all who know me you know I can't stand it when my house is messy! So daddy and Adalyn loaded up and headed to the farm to check on the cows while I cleaned. Adalyn hates when the vacuum cleaner is on (but loves looking at while its off)so I was able to vacuum without her crawling up adam's shirt. When they got back, we went to Murfreesboro to shop! 1st stop... Party City. Yes, I am already buying things for her 1st Birthday! A little early, I know, I know, but I figure go ahead and buy some of the small stuff now so I won't have to worry with it later.Let me just say, her 1st Birthday is going to be amazing. After Party City, I changed a dirty diaper in the car, then we headed to the mall. We visited Aeropostale, Victoria's Secret, Finish Line, and Sears.(that one was for daddy) We then decided we were hungry to we stopped at Jason's Deli on the way to The Avenue. We decided to give Adalyn a taste of a pickle. I of course had my camera ready to get her reaction to the sour taste but to my surprise, she LOVED it!

We then went to The Avenue. 1st stop was Carters to just "look" around. ha. Adalyn does not need any clothes whatsoever buttt you can't go to The Avenue without stopping in Carters. $50.00 later, we went on to Bath and Body Works & American Eagle then we loaded back up in the car and headed for home!

Sunday, went to Church. Adalyn proceded to cry when we left her in the nursery. =( 2nd Sunday in a row that she has done that. Breaks my heart I tell you! After Church, Christina's Tea started at 1 so we had to set up the Parlor. (baby Levi got a lot of good stuff!) Instead of helping, Adalyn played with the cooler.She loved touching the bag of ice.

After a long afternoon, we hung out at home and relaxed! It was a great weekend.