It's been almost 10 weeks since I gave birth to Landon so I really need to get in gear to share my birth story!
My pregnancy with Landon was so smooth. I found out I was pregnant January 19 and we shared the news in March. He was a complete surprise to us but God felt we were ready for another. =)
My due date was Monday, September 19 but we scheduled an induction for Friday, September 16. It just made it a little easier on everyone having him on a weekend. Weeks leading up to his birth was an emotional roller coaster for me. All I could think about was Adalyn and how I thought bringing him home would effect her. I was so scared I wouldn't be able to focus my attention on both of them and my heart just hurt thinking about leaving Adalyn out of anything. The days before I had him consisted of me cleaning the house, making lists, and playing with Adalyn. Mind you I was a few days shy of 40 weeks pregnant, huge, hips hurting, back hurting, and tired. But if Adalyn wanted to go outside in the 90 degree weather, so be it. I wanted to spend every single moment I could just as the "two" of us, and if that meant sweating while pushing her on her swing or playing with chalk in the driveway, I was going to do it.
We were due to be at the hospital Friday morning between 5:45 and 6:00 AM. Thursday night was out last night as a family of three and we made the best out of it. We did our normal nighttime routine and once again explained to Adalyn that she would be getting a brother. Before I layed her down in her bed for the night, I gave her one more big hug and just stopped and smelled her. Oh that sweet smell of a child. So many thoughts went through my mind. I thought about the past 22 months and all the joy, laughter, and love she brought into our lives. Once I layed her down, Adam and I picked up the house and got things in order to leave out in the morning. We were having to leave by 4:30 AM so my mom came over around 11:00 or so Thursday night so she would be there when Adalyn woke up the next morning. I was really hoping to get some much needed sleep but we ended up not going to be until really late. I saw every hour as I tossed and turned. I was having contrations and was just so uncomfortable. The alarm went off at 4 which didn't make a difference since I was up anyway. We got up and got dressed, did my make up, grabbed our bags, and took one last picture of my belly.

The trip to Nashville went pretty smooth. No traffic since it was so early in the morning. I was having contractions the entire time though. Sitting in a truck and having contractions for an hour is not very fun. Once we arrived, we filled out paperwork, got our armbands, and sat in the waiting room. I wasn't able to sit long due to my contractions so I ended up walking up and down the hall for atleast 30 or so minutes. According the a nurse, there were a lot of people having babies so we were waiting on a room. Once we finally got in a room, they hooked me up on the monitors and got the show on the road!

My nurse was Tracey ( i think?) and oh my gosh... I wanted to punch her within the first 10 mintues of meeting her. So did Adam. She was WAY to chipper for my taste. Atleast she was nice though, but man, she really got on my nerves. She finally calmed herself down and acted more like a normal person after a while. She put the monitors on my belly and kept coming in my room every couple of minutes b/c she wasn't able to track his heartbeat on her monitor b/c it kept slipping off. She made the comment that my belly was a perfect basketball and that was why is was sliding. I was finally able to lay on my left side and it stayed in place. She said Dr. Thornburg might insert an internal heart monitor thing on his head if it continued to slip off. Around 8:00, my doctor came in and tried to insert the monitor. (I can't remember what its called)OH MY GOSH. She tried 5 times and I seriously thought I was going to die. I did not have my epidural yet and I do believe that was the worst pain I experienced. After failing 5 times, she gave up and just broke my water. I was 2-3 cm dilated when we got to the hospital and I knew breaking my water would really speed things up. The contractions got bad really fast. I could barely breathe inbetween them and to make it worse, I was having to get up and pee all the time. The first time I buzzed for my nurse to come and help me and waited and she never came. I was in so much pain and I needed to pee BAD so i start unhooking myself from every machine in my room. She should have came and helped! Atleast I didnt mess anything up while doing that. It was very interesting trying to get up to walk to the bathroom. I had to do it inbetween contractions which was funny. When i finally got back in the bed, i couldnt take the pain anymore and asked for the epidural. She came in pretty quick so I was happy to see her. With Adalyn, they had me sit on the side of the bed and hunch over like a cat. this time, I layed on my side and pushed my back out. I liked laying down better. After she was done, I felt 100 times better. After that, our parents and Adalyn arrived. It was around 10:00 or so. Look how excited Adalyn was!

She was so excited to see us and to keep her occupied, we all had gotten her some coloring books, crayons, books, etc. I was progressing pretty fast which was great. I was ready to meet Landon! My nurse came in and checked me and told me I was at 10. Yay! She said she wanted to wait on pushing for a little bit so he would continue to fall down in the birth canal. Then I thought that was strange and I was so ready to push! But looking back, I totally see why she had me to wait. She came back after a little while and kicked everyone out. Had me to do a practice push and she said whoa! I'm calling your doctor. Shortly later, Dr. Thornburg came in and we got the show on the road! I used a mirror for my birth. I did for Adalyn, too and it made it so much easier to see my progress and what I was doing! I ended up pushing about 8 times and Landon was born at 2:15 PM. I was so exicted and couldn't wait to hold him. They took him away and cleaned him up. He was a little blue so they gave him a little bit of oxygen. He also didn't cry when he came out. His eyes were open and he was looking all around. So alert already! She assured me that it was ok that he wasn't crying and that he was just fine! I watched as Adam filmed him getting cleaned off and just was so eager to get my hands on him!

Finally holding him!

After Adam and I had some private bonding time, we were very eager for Adalyn and our family to meet our beautiful little boy. Adalyn was so excited to see him. We had been talking about him for 9 months after all!

Aroun 5:00 or so, everyone left. Adalyn and my parents stayed in a hotel near Baptist so it wouldn't be such a hassle driving to Nashville everyday with a toddler in the back seat. We had a few more visitors that night which was great. Labor and Delivery was so full at Baptist it took until 9:00 that night for them to move us to the postpartum suite. Once there, the nurse gave Landon his bath. He screamed the entire time I believe.

After his bath, I nursed him then sent him to the nursery so we could get a little bit of sleep. His nurse brought him to me around 4:00 that morning, then we had to send him back to the nursery. All babies have to be in the nursery between 6 - 9 AM for all the Pedetricians to come in and look over the babies. There were 63 babies that Saturday morning!!! Crazy! The rest of the day we had visitors and just walked around the postpartum floor. It was nice to get up and stretch my legs.

So proud!

It's a Boy sign on our door
We left Sunday around 11 AM-- first time in his carseat

Family of 4 now!

I am so blessed!
My recovery was a breeze!! Thank goodness. I was up and moving around like I hadn't even had a baby. For that, I was very thankful considering I didn't have time to feel bad since I had Adalyn to chase around. =)