Wednesday, August 31, 2011
37 Weeks!
Monday was my 37 week appointment. It went great! Gained 1 lb in a week and told my doctor about my fall. She estimated Landon to weigh 7.5 lbs right now! Oh my goodness! I mean, really?? That's like a "normal" newborn size! AND I still have 3 more weeks?! Whoa. Even though it was obviously just an estimate, I still think he will be as big as Adalyn was. (or close to it) My due date is Monday, September 19 but if he does not come before then, I have decided to be indcued Friday, September 16. Basically just to make it easier on everyone's schedule! Adam will miss that day of school, have the whole weekend with us, all of the following week and weekend, then go back for 1 week, then it's Fall break! So, as MUCH as I am ready for him to come, it would be so nice if he waited like his sister did to make his appearance. Or, Friday the 9th would be ok, too. =) He is so low I feel like I could walk him right out of me. Oh, question for anyone who may know. Is there such a thing called Pragnancy Arthritis? My fingers hurt so bad it's crazy. They really hurt in the middle of the night (since I wake up about 3 times to pee) and in the morning. As I do things during the day, they hurt, but not near as bad. Well, I woke up this morning and my fingers were locked. (if that makes sense?) It kind of scared me a little. I have had my rings off for about a week and a half now. =( I told my mom the other day that I hate being out in public without them on. I told her people probably think Im 18, not married, and about to pop. HAHA. Anyway, my fingers hurt so bad it's hard for me to even hold a gallon of milk. Im positive the pain will go away after I have him, but in the mean time, I just wish I knew what the problem was! This afternoon I vaccuumed my car while Adam washed the Tahoe. Can you imagine what it looked like to see me climbing in and out of my car with adam's shop vac? lol. well, off I go for my nightly walk.
We got Adalyn a swing at Toys R Us last Friday night. She just could not understand that we had to take it home and hang it from a tree before she would get in it. She had a slight melt down inside the store. haha. She stayed with my parents Saturday night so Adam put it up. Sunday afternoon we told her we had a surprise for her. Her eyes lit up once she saw it and said "swinnnggg!!" Ah, it was precious. You can just feel the excitement in our back yard that day!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Today Adalyn and I spent our morning running errands, watching Elmo, and napping for 2 hours. Well, she did, not me. I slept for about an hour but then had to take a shower. We went to Destin's 1st birthday party today. There was a pool so Adam and Adalyn swam most of the time. When she wasnt swimming, she had her hands in a bag of cheetos and saying "Car-Car" anytime Carter got out of her sight. I do believe these two will grow up to be the best of friends! After the party, we headed to my parents for more swimming, a delicious dinner, and then Adam and I left. adalyn stayed with Granna and Granddaddy. She kept waving and telling us Bye. It's so much easier to leave when she doesnt care. haha. As we left, my mom was strolling her and she was holding Singer's leash and they were going for a walk. Now, Adam is outside hanging Adalyn's new swing on a tree in the back then we are going to go on a walk. I am determined to get myself dilated! I told him today, I am OVER this belly. I cant even wash dishes without having to bend over b/c my stomach bumps into everything. I have been having slight cramps on and off today. None of my clothes are fitting anymore. Not even my maternity shirts. they are a size small and my belly is not even a size small in maternity anymore. It's embarrassing to say, but I am most comfortable in Adam's t-shirts. As of now, they fit me best. haha. Oh me. Here are some pictures from the day.

Friday, August 26, 2011
36 weeks and 4 days and I
fall... hard. When i got home yesterday from sewing and picking Adalyn up from Jerry and Nancy's, we decided we were going to wash my car. Adalyn's favorite "toy" when we are outside is the darn water hose. She says "toes" OVER and over again because we always wash off our feet. She now knows how to squeeze the handle. She drenched Adam first and then looked right at me and started laughing. I knew what she was about to do. So I turn and took one step and busted it right in our garage. Anytime our garage floor gets wet its becomes an ice rink for whatever reason. I had flip flops on and I could feel both feet coming out from under me. I swear it was in slow motion. All I could think of was to land on my arm. Thankfully, I did. My elbow to be exact. I told Adam that my poor elbow sure did take a beating because of all the weight that landed on it. haha. As soon as I hit, I started to get up and I didnt know if I should cry or laugh. I felt like doing a little of both. I sit down and of course all I have on my mind is feeling Landon move. After about 10 minutes, I feel him beating on my stomach again so I was relieved. I was going to stay outside and atleast watch Adam and Adalyn wash my car (and yes, I was planning on helping before I busted my butt)but was just getting weak and light headed so I finally went inside to lay down. My elbow is bruised and my arm is sore, but other than that, I am great! Thank the Lord is all I have to say. Aside from all of that, I do believe Adalyn is starting to give us a dose of the terrible twos. The past few days she has not wanted to eat and will throw her food, bowl, whatever and cry and scream. agh! talk about fraustrating. About 3 weeks ago I noticed her 2 year old molars had already broken the gums. I was so shocked by seeing that b/c she had not acted like they even bothered her. As soon as these come all the way thru, she will have all of her teeth. I have noticed lately that they are really coming thru more and more so Im wondering if her not wanting to eat has something to do with those teeth? All she basically says she wants is milk. So whatever. Any of you moms who may have some advice, please pass it on. She has been waking up around 7 AM for the past week or so( it was normally 6-6:30), so her naps have been after lunch. Well today, she slept for 3.5 hours! I put her in our bed so i could lay down with her (i must get all my naps in now while I can!) and I woke up 2 hours later. I just couldnt lay there anymore b/c of my old woman hips so I got up. When Adam got home, he even crawled into bed with her and she still slept for another 35-40 minutes. If only she would do that once her brother gets here. HA ha is all I have to say about that! I'll leave you with a picture from today. Playing inside the huge box the glider came in for Landon's room while watching Elmo.
Monday, August 22, 2011
36 weeks
I am 36 weeks today with Landon. Doctor appointment went great dispite having to wait forever! He is head down and oh sooo low, he is huge (or I feel like he is), and I'm determined he cannot possibly have anymore room to stay inside of me for too much longer. But, i was wrong with Adalyn so Im sure he will come at 40 weeks just like she did! Being hugely pregnant in the summer is for the birds. At this moment, I think I am done having kids. God has blessed Adam and I with an amazing daughter and also a son who I know will be just as amazing. 1 of each and I seriously feel complete! However, Adam wants another! He says since he has his boy, (he was the last Clark so having a boy was very important to carry on the Clark name!) he wants another girl. I just laugh and say I don't think so! But who knows. I think I trump him in this case so I'm sure I will win. =) Aside from that, Landon's room is ALMOST complete. The recliner will be here Wednesday. Once that is placed, I think it will definitely hit me that in just a few short weeks, I will be holding and rocking my sweet, precious boy. I have to admit, going back on a newborn schedule is going to be hard to swallow! (when it comes to sleep). Adam and I are so strict with Adalyn's routines that that is all she knows. It is best for your child to know a routine (in my opinion anyway). It only makes things easier!! She has never slept in our bed except the 3 or 4 times she has been sick. She is asleep by 7:30 at the latest, we can even put her down awake which is nice. Now we are starting all over! But I can already tell I will be MUCH more laid back with Landon than I was with Adalyn. I definitely wont freak over the minor things. plus, sleep is over rated anyway, right? ;) It will be so different holding a tiny newborn again. Im so use to holding adalyn who is a giant for her age! We make her practice holding her baby dolls and we try to explain we have to be gentle, etc. Well, haha, poor thing doesnt get what we are trying to tell her. I have a feeling Landon will get tossed around a few times! lol. I just have to remember not to leave the 2 of them in a room alone for even a minute. Im sure I'll walk back and see her trying to pick him up by his legs or something. ha. Now that will give me a heart attack. Oh me, Im just rambling on. No pictures to post. Ill have Adam take a belly picture to see how much I have grown lately.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Getting everyone up to date with our fun, energetic, loving 21 month old! WOW is she BUSY! She goes about 100 mph all day long. Talk about wearing her mama out! ha. She is such a great sleeper. She is in bed by 7-7:30 and wakes up around 6:30 but then plays in her bed until we come get her. We leave books and babies to entertain her when she wakes up so Adam and I can lay in bed as long as possible. She takes a morning nap anywhere from 1 hour to 2.5 hours. Whenever I am home with her, you better believe I nap with her! I figure I need to take advantage of it b/c in 4 weeks (or less!) I highly doubt I'll be able to do that once her baby brother gets here! I pray for the energy I will need to give both my babies exactly what they need! Adalyn is so into cows, elmo, and Mickey. All she talks about are Cows and the fact that their poo-poo is BBBIIIGGG as she says. It's adorable. Elmo and mickey are her favorite to watch. We have DVD's of both and lately she will sit still for just a little bit to watch it! All she wants to do is be outside. Even if the heat index is 110, it doesnt bother her but man does it bother me! but, i suck it up and take her out. for a little bit anyways. Her little cheeks turn so red and her hair gets so curly from sweating. She loves playing with the water hose. She says "toes" over and over again until we turn it on for her. She usually ends up in her diaper b/c she drenches herself first thing. We call her a little parrot. She REPEATS every single thing we say! haha. It is the cutest thing hearing her talk like we do. We have taught her to say yes/no mam, yes/no sir. She would say it when we would tell her to, now, she says it after everything! lol. How awesome is that?! She loves dogs and often tries to be one. She will come into the kitchen, get on all fours, and crawl to us with her tongue sticking out and panting just like a dog does. her favorite color right now is brown. Yes, brown. I have no clue why but everything is brown. Every shirt she wears is brown and she only wants the brown "pop-cules" (popcicles).As i was feeding her a popcicle the other day, we were looking at each others tongues since they were red and i discovered her 2 year molars have already cut the gums! So all 4 have poked through- thank goodness! I had no idea it had even happened. I guess I just havent checked. She got her K-9's about a month and a half ago and those were hard on her. It took about 2 weeks for them to come down and during those 2 weeks, she was a little pistol! So far, she has been doing really good with the molars coming in. Keeping my fingers crossed! She has moved up to the Elephant room at church. She isn't a Turtle anymore! Which makes me sa- she has been in that Sunday School class since she was 9 months old I believe! It's just another reminder that I almost have a 2 year old. I have already been planning her birthday part in my mind. I figured I needed to get ideas before Landon gets here! My mind is somewhat clear right now- im sure it will be a little fuzzy for the 1st few weeks Landon is home. Another favorite for Adalyn is swimming. Oh my does this girl love the water. We swim a lot at my parents and all she wears are arm floaties. I think the age requirement is like 3 and up but they fit her perfect and she can just kick herself around the pool. She also will jump in by herself. You dont even have to be there to catch her (which is bad!) b/c she will just run and jump. It's so funny and Im glad she is not scared of the water, but then again I want her to be a LITTLE scared just so she wont try and do something without her floaties on. Even on the boat when we are on the lake, she just runs and jumps and comes up laughing! She definitely knows how to make us smile. We are so thankful for our sweet Adalyn. We love you!

Update on Landon
This pregnancy has flown by. We are now counting the weeks- 4 to go! WOW! A lot of people have been asking me if I think I'll go the full 40 weeks or have him early. It's so hard to say! I was 2-3 cm dilated with Adalyn for about 2 or so weeks and I was STILL induced at 40 weeks! So she came on her due date. At my 35 week appt. last week, my cervix is soft, but not dilated- which is a good thing! Even though I am getting pretty uncomfortable, I still don't feel "ready" yet. You may wonder what I mean by being "ready" and I have no clue. I still want all the time I can get with Adalyn. Everyone keeps telling me that as a mother, you will be able to love BOTH children just the same and will be able to provide for them equally. We talk about Landon all the time to Adalyn. We make sure to tell her that landon will be living in our house soon. I ask if she wants him too and she always says yes! She can say his full name, she loves kissing my belly and giving him hugs. The other day he was doing a lot of dancing and my belly looked like he was trying to climb out of me. I pointed it out to Adalyn and that was the 1st time she has ever noticed him. Every other time we try to have her to feel his movement, she is never still enough to actually feel him kick her. when she saw my stomach move like it was, she was in awe! Her eyes got real big and she started to laugh. It was the sweetest thing. adam and I have been working in his room a lot, too. Got an e-mail this morning saying the chair has finally shipped so once we get it, Ill post some pictures of his adorable room! Ah, I just love it. I start going to the doctor every week now. I had to go to the chiropractor a couple of times due to my sciatica and hip pain. I do feel a lot better but at times I can't even sit indian style I hurt so bad. I feel huge, too. At my 35 week appt. last Monday, I measured 36. that's the 1st visit I had measured over. Every other time I was right on target. I have a feeling i'm cooking another big baby! I am anxious to see how much he weighs and how long he will be. If he comes early, I know he probably wont weigh as much as Adalyn did. I'm hoping he will get his height from Adam and not me. I could just see Adalyn being huge and then have a little shrimp of a brother thanks to my genes. I am so thankful I have had a very easy pregnancy. No problems at all, expect the back pain but that's normal. Sleeping is very hard for me now b/c of my hips. I have to flip over what feels like every 20 mins b/c my hips go to sleep. It hurts. When I do flip over, I have to hold my belly as I go to the next side. I can feel him fall from one side to the other as I turn. It's so neat. I think my fingers are starting to swell. I have been saying they are getting puffy,b/c they aren't full on swelling yet if that makes any sense. I about have to break my finger to get my rings off. Adam has told me to go ahead and take them off but I dont want people to think I'm not married! haha. Dumb I know. Ill take them off when I just HAVE to. I think I ended up taking them off a week or two before I had Adalyn. I cannot wait to meet my precious boy. I hear boys are so very different than girls and that they are typically a mama's boy so I will definitely like that!
At my baby brunch at church Saturday, August 13. 34 weeks 5 days
Adalyn's 1st trip to the beach!
Since I'm wayyy late in posting pictures from our vacation to Panama City Beach, I'll do it now! (just a few months late)
First time touching the sand-- I was a little unsure as to how Adalyn would like the beach. I had been hearing stories of other 1 year olds/toddlers who HATED the sand and the ocean! Well, this was not the case for Adalyn. She absolutely loved it. With all of her beach toys, she would "cook" in the sand. She loved the water and did not care at all when the waves knocked her down or she got a mouth full of water. That's my girl!
She napped about 2 hours on the beach every day. Talk about awesome! Sometimes later that afternoon she would nap in the room, too.
This was such a nice 1st beach vacation as a family for us. My parents and brother and Brandy were such a huge help to us! Adalyn adores her uncle and aunt, as well as granna and granddaddy! thanks for alllll the help you four!

It's pretty safe to say we had a great vacation at the beach! (even Landon!) Until next year!
This was such a nice 1st beach vacation as a family for us. My parents and brother and Brandy were such a huge help to us! Adalyn adores her uncle and aunt, as well as granna and granddaddy! thanks for alllll the help you four!
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