Can you believe it? Landon turned 18 months old last Saturday! I remember vividly taking Adalyn's 18 month pictures in my parents yard and being 4 months pregnant with Landon. Now the roles have been reversed and it's time for me to take a few snap shots of my little guy!
Landon- you are wearing 24 months clothes. Size 6.5 shoe. Size 5 diaper.
You want to do EVERYTHING your sister does and that makes you seem so much bigger.You adore Adalyn and think she is just the greatest.You laugh at everything she does. Ya'll do fight (already? So early? You better believe it!) but you two are also so sweet with each other. Adalyn looks out for you. She is always asking about you if you aren't with us, she cries when you get in trouble, she talks in the sweetest "baby" voice to you when you just wake up, she picks you up and carries you around the house, she wants to hold your hand
all the time and you normally don't like it when she attempts to do that. You both chase each other just about every night in the living room. For the 10 minutes you both do that, all we hear is belly laughter. It makes me smile. Adalyn knocks you down multiple times and tramples over you, but you never cry. You keep laughing, and laughing, and laughing. You both are sweating like crazy when we finally make you stop.
You are such a boy!! You and Adalyn are night and day. I had no idea siblings could be so different. You love everything about trucks, dozers, and tractors. Your daddy has a lot of farm magazines around the house and you will sit and flip through every page looking at all the pictures. If you are in a different room than me, I always know what you are up to when I hear, "Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!" You say this and point at You have a big fascination with books just like
your sister.
You love bath time. You squeal a lot during your bath because you get so excited. After squealing over, and over and over again, I normally take a cup and dump water over your head. After a couple of times of doing that, you stop. :)
You love to watch country music videos on You Tube. We set up a chair for you and you will sit still and watch videos and eat dry cereal.
You still like your milk to be warmed in the microwave. We stand in front of it and watch your cup go round' and round'. You hold out your hand and say, "Hot! Hot!"
You are also super busy. Oh my goodness- I can't turn my back for two seconds or you are in to something.You are fast and curious and mischievous! And so smart! You are a major climber. That must be a boy thing. Adalyn never climbed the way you do. You give me a heart attack most of the time with your climbing abilities. Your favorite place to be is on our (really high) bar stools. I will be
glad when those bar stools aren't fascinating to you anymore.

(Yikes! Don't mind the crustiness on the side of the high chair. I can assure you his tray is clean. :) Who thinks to look at the side anyway?! Obviously not me!)
You are almost pacifier free! We took Adalyn's away at 18 months so we have slowly taken yours away, too. You only have it when you sleep now. None during the day or in the car.
Your vocabulary has really taken off!
I have tried to keep a mental list of everything you are saying now and it's just too many words to remember. It's an easy 50 words now. To name a few: Momma & Mommy, Da Da & Daddy, Sissy, Memaw, PaPaw, Ana(Granna), Grdaddy (Granddaddy), Dog, Ball, Hi, Bye, Please (Peas), Book, Outside, Car, Shoe, Night Night, Bite, Cookies, Beep Beep, Ba Cat (Bob Cat), Cat, Diaper, Baby, Hello, Sit, Teeth, Purple, Blue, Bath, Cow, Jake, (Jake and the Neverland Pirates), Cup, That, Mouth, Up, Cracker, This, Ki-et (quiet),Bus, Truck, Actor (tractor), Yes, No, Ank You (Thank You) Phone, Poo Poo, Tee (tree) Ga (God). Shew, that's all I can think of right this second. But just about any word we ask you to say, you repeat it back to us. Speaking of Ga (God), you have now started to intertwine your little fingers and put both hands together when we pray. You start off by saying, "Ga" and then just laugh. It is just about one of the sweetest things I have seen.
When you want something, you point and say, "That! That! That!" over and and over.
You have yet to get your first haircut but that is changing on Friday! March 22 will be your very first haircut. :)
You now have ALL of you teeth except your 2 year molars. Hallelujah!
You have the sweetest laugh and I love every single thing about you!
Landon you have completed our family in a way we could have never imagined. You are such a blessing to your daddy and me. We love you so much!
Just for fun, I wanted to add some of Adalyn's 18 month pictures for comparison. I think they are a spitting image of one another at this age!