Thursday, January 19, 2012


We love Cheez-its in this house. Adalyn thinks they are Cheetos and I don't correct her. This afternoon when she woke up from her nap, we were snacking on some. I had just changed Landon's diaper and she crawled over to him with a hand full of "cheetos" and said, " Landon drink milk, not my cheetos." All I could do was laugh. Adalyn was much more behaved today than Wednesday. Thank goodness. I thought I was going to pull every single hair out of my head on Wednesday and I was SO glad when Adam got home. She was just acting like a 2 year old and whining over anything and everything. I can't stand when she whines, esp. when it's over nothing! Thankfully she napped for 2 hours and woke up in a much better mood. She is having a bit of a problem listening to what I ask her to do. I know, I know, every 2 year old does, but it just seemed like on Wednesday, I just couldn't win! I was so tired all day so I know that just made things worse. Nancy made us a pot roast that day so we ate that and then headed off to church. As soon as we pulled up she said, "My Lynn! My Lynn!" She knows she gets to see her everytime we come to church. It is so refreshing to to go to church in the middle of the week. It helps clear my mind and feel at peace about things. We tried to not swaddle landon for 2 nights... the 1st night was ok, the 2nd night was just plain awful. After alternating times of going into his room every hour, I decided to swaddle him again. Once he figures out how to not make himself mad by whacking his face with his arms, it will be much better. He is close to rolling on his own so I know once he does this consistently, we will have to stop swaddling. Adam says we swaddled Adalyn at this age but I can't remember. I do remember walking into her room one morning and she was sleeping on her stomach and me saying to adam, "well, she knows how to roll over!" So i guess she was still swaddled around this age. No pictures tonight. too tired. Off to bed I go.

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