Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Farm baby!

I guess I should say naked toddler... We were in Pelham Saturday and it was a beautiful and hot day! I left Landon inside with Nancy for a bit while Jerry, Adam , Adalyn and I played around with the cows and chickens. We headed up to check out the garden when we came across a couple of water puddles in the driveway. She had her cow rainboots on and what just started out as walking through the puddles ended up finishing in rolling in the puddles. I could have kicked myself for not bringing extra clothes for her so before she got TOO wet, I managed to take her shirt off before it got soaked.(thankfully nancy washed her clothes and while we waited on them to finish, she wore some of Adam's clothes from when he was her size) She had a ball. I wished I had brought my camera with me but she was hilarious. When we made our way back to the house, we stripped her down and then picked some flowers. she started walking with the big bouquet of them and of course, I had to grab my camera. I took a lot, but will only post a few since a naked, white, bottom is in plain view!

We then had my birthday lunch which was wonderful. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside then headed home and my parents came over for my brithday dinner. My birthday isn't until Friday but they will be out of town so we celebrated this weekend. After we ate and played, Adalyn went home with my mom and dad. Sunday, we woke up and Adam was eager to go outside and work before church since it was so pretty. After church, the kids napped and we pulled weeds and did other odds and ends outside. The kids joined us when they woke up and we went on a walk, washed my car, then ate an early dinner and headed to church. It was a great weekend!

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