Monday, April 16, 2012

7 Months Old!

Landon is 7 months old today. I look at his sweet, chubby face and just can't believe 7 whole months have already flown by. I remember when he was a newborn saying I couldn't wait for him to get older. Right now, this stage has been my favorite! He is full of joy, laughter, smiles, drool, squeals, and grunts. This boy is an EATER. Loves food. Still nurses 6 times a day. 1st feeding is around 6:00-6:30 AM and last is at 8:30 PM. Starting today, I am feeding him solids 3 times a day instead of twice. His favorite are Carrots. He keeps his little mouth open just like a baby bird waiting on his next bite. His 2 bottom teeth are very tall and SHARP. He is working on another tooth. His massive drooling went away (or slowed WAY down) for about 3 weeks and as of last week, his drooling is back in full force and he has a snotty nose. Those were his 2 signs when he cut his other teeth, too. So hopefully this tooth will pop through soon. He isn't crawling yet; still rolling to get where he wants to go. He makes a really loud grunting sound and then laughs at himself. He is very ticklish. I can touch 1 rib and he starts belly laughing. He LOVES taking a bath. He just sits there and splashes his little hands in the water and smiles. He loves the sound. He weighs a little over 20 lbs now. I picked him up in his carseat the other day and decided to put him on our scale. Just over 29 lbs is what i carry on my arm. Ouch. Thank goodness it only goes to 22 lbs weight limit. We go outside everyday and he loves his stroller. I take the kids on a long walk each day and he just lounges back and chews on his toys. He has the whitest hair and most beautiful blue eyes. He does not like to sit in the grass in a onesie. I remember Adalyn didn't like the grass for a while either. These 7 months have been such a learning experience for me as I am learning to raise my two babies to the best of my ability. I am home with them everyday so some days can be a little challenging, but over all, it's been a lot easier than I thought it would be. As you know, i was terrified of Adalyn and Landon being only 22 months apart. I thought for sure i'd lose my sanity (and some days I have), but I am LOVING the fact that they are so close in age. It seriously warms my heart! I am so blessed!

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