Monday, February 25, 2013

Our future Farmer(s)

I should have blogged about this right after it happened. But I didn't and now I can't seem to remember when this actually was. Hum, it was the weekend before we left for Gatlinburg so it was Saturday, February 9. Shew. I don't know why I do that to myself. If I would just blog when I'm suppose to I wouldn't have to think so hard. Anyway, It was such a nice and semi-warm day. Adam and the kids took off to the Farm that morning. I stayed home to sew then headed to my Granddaddy's right at lunch time. Visited with him for a bit then I headed to Pelham myself. I got there around 2:30 or so and Landon had just woke up from his nap. I could see him and Nancy walking across the field to the garden as I pulled in. Jerry, Adam and Adalyn were in the garden cleaning it up and I see Adalyn splashing in water puddles. I started helping them pull up tomato cages and Adalyn grabbed a ho and got to work. She LOVES being outside with Adam helping him farm. I have a very strong feeling this girl will be a girly girl and dress up but then again she will be able to put on a pair of overalls and check cows with her dad and get muddy all at the same time. That's my kind of girl. ;)So for the rest of the afternoon we played in the garden, played in water puddles, rode the 4-wheeler and the Bob Cat. I am so ready for Spring to get here. I'm over the cold weather!

Here is our future farmer hard at work.
Magazine worthy, isn't it?

She was having so much fun

Landon signing "more" because he wanted to ride the 4-wheeler again

He will be our next farmer, too. :)

Adam helping Adalyn

Riding the Bob Cat. This is Landon's favorite. He has a Bulldozer book and it shows a picture of a bob cat. He just points and grunts at it every time we look through it. He is trying to say Bob Cat. Right now, it sounds like, "Ba Cat" Very close!

And here is Adalyn pouting that Landon was on the 4-wheeler with Adam and she wasn't with them. ha. So typical for a 3 year old!

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