Thursday, April 4, 2013

My 26th Birthday

I had the best birthday weekend! I started celebrating Thursday by going out to lunch with the girls at work and ate Mexican and of course they put the hat on me and had to sing with me. It was a lot of fun and I was stuffed and tired the rest of the afternoon! I didn't even eat dinner Thursday night because I was still so full. On Friday, we were all able to leave the office early so as soon as I got home, Adam and I packed the kids clothes and food since they were staying with Granna that night. We made a trip to Pizza Hut on our way to pick up my birthday dinner. :) I absolutely love pizza hut pizza so it was a no brainer when my mom asked me what I wanted for dinner. As soon as we got there, we sat down and ate. I was starving so I inhaled my pizza pretty quickly. Landon ate two pieces by himself. I think he will be a pizza lover, too. After pizza, Adalyn couldn't wait to give me my birthday gift from my parents. She wanted to help me with my card.

We then had my birthday "cake". Since I do not like cake, my mom made me this amazing oreo dessert and oh my goodness it was delicious!!!!!!

My birthday dinner was delicious. My dad wasn't there since he is having to stay with my Granddaddy now on the weekends so I met him half way and gave him the rest of the pizza and oreo dessert. When I got back, Adam and I kissed the kids and made our way home! Having a night to ourselves here and there is worth so so much. We settled in and watched HGTV for the night. Saturday morning (March 23) we slept in (wahoo!) and I woke up to a beautiful bouquet of flowers, oreos AND honey bar-b-que twist chips- my favorite! Even thought they are my favorite, I never buy them. The "big" bag they make is a lot smaller than a normal size bag of chips and there is no way I'm spending over $3.00 on a bag of chips when you don't even get a lot! Plus, they aren't exactly healthy for you (who cares, right?). With all that said, anytime he buys me a bag of those chips, I get so excited. I'm telling ya, this boy knows just what I like. I am very easy to please and VERY easy to buy for. After we ate breakfast, Hope stopped by and brought me my gift. She got my 2010 blog entries printed into a book! Oh what a treasure this is to me! I can't tell you how many times I randomly scroll through old blog posts of mine. It's so easy to forget the little things and that is why I am SO SO glad I blog. Now, I just need to get 2011, 2012 and of course 2013 printed to a book. I know Adam and I will LOVE reading back on our lives one day! Really, it is a true treasure to me so thank you Hope! Once she left, we finished getting ready and made our way to Murfreesboro. We spent the entire day shopping and eating. It was so much fun and I actually made myself buy something for me! I never do. Seriously. I'm like a year or so behind on fashion and technology and I don't even care. So, since it was my birthday after all, I decided to go all out! I even got an iPhone thanks to my husband. He basically made me, I was fine with my other crappy smart phone, but I didn't argue too much and got what I wanted. :) We took a break from shopping and ate at Outback. Steaks, baked potatoes and (lots) bread, yummm. Couldn't think of a better birthday lunch! We literally shopped until we dropped. Once we decided we were shopped out, we headed back to Manchester to pick up our sweet kiddos. It is SO nice to have time with just you and your spouse. It was much needed and I thank my momma for keeping them Friday night and allll day Saturday! I had a fabulous 26th birthday!

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