Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Update!

It's been a little over a week since my last blog post so it's time for a little update! I want to start off by saying that 1 of Landon's 2 year molars has broken the skin! Hallelujah!!!  We have been looking for those things for months now it seems like. The only way to see that far back in his mouth is to tickle him. So, after his bath the other night, I was tickleing him which was making him laugh and scream so I had a clear view in searching and praise the good Lord I saw a tooth! I just hope the other 3 come quickly so he (WE) will be done with teething for good. He turned 23 months last Friday (16th) and I just cannot believe we will be celebrating his 2nd birthday in less than a month! If you ask him how old he is going to be he says, "I TWOOOOO!" I laugh every time. He just sounds so sweet saying it and it quickly reminds me just how big he is getting. 

Last Saturday night we went out to eat at El Mo's with Nancy, Patsy and Bo. It was delicious as always. Afterwards, we went to Home Depot to by a light fixture and new faucets for our bathroom. We are doing a mini DIY and I cannot WAIT to show you! This is week 3 or working on it (eeekkk!) and we are very close to having it completed. I plan to do a post on it so be looking for it! Esp. if you have builder grade oak cabinets like so many of us do in our home! Ok, that's all I'm saying about that! 
While we were at Home Depot, we stopped at sat on the lawn mowers. Landon yells "MOW GAS! MOW GAS!" loud enough for every one in the entire store to hear so we put him on a lawn mower very quickly to hush him up. Landon wouldn't sit still long enough to get his picture so I snapped one of Adalyn.
We finally made our way inside and started picking out our fixtures. Everytime we go they love to "ride" in the cart that looks like a car. So as they were "driving" we were loading up the bugee. Adalyn got out first then Landon was begging to get out, too. I told him he could get out but he had to hold Adalyn's hand the rest of the time. Don't you know he grabbed her hand and took off with her. He didn't let go b/c he knew I'd put him back in the cart. haha. He drug her around everywhere and all I could hear was the both of them laughing the entire time. I couldn't help but to laugh with them. They have such a sweet relationship! Sometimes ;) 

Sunday after Church we ended up staying an hour later waiting on Adam to count ballots. So I kept them occupied by walking around, going outside to play, and playing in Adalyn's sunday school class. It was 1:00 by the time we left and they were exhausted. We got them in their beds then I hopped in my bed and napped, too. Landon didn't nap long so he fell back to sleep in the recliner with Adam. After about 2 or so hours, Adalyn walked in. She climbed into bed with me and I did what any good parent would do. I gave her my phone to keep her occupied while I layed there. She ended up taking a picture of me. 

We all got up, the kids played while I cooked an early supper. (fried okra and cornbread- oh yeah!) and then we loaded up and headed back to Church. For about a month or so, everytime we pull into Church Landon says, "We Home!" and oh wow- how happy that makes me! To know he considers his Church his other home is such a blessing. I pray that both of our kids will always have a burning desire to WANT to be in Church and will always consider it "home".

I can't remembr which night this was but they both wanted to hang out of the sun roof :) So when we pulled into the subdivision, we unbuckled them and let them have at it!

Well, that's a little update on our week! I have left out a ton, I'm sure, but until next time!

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