Friday, January 10, 2014

Big boy underwear

I really felt the need to document the first day Landon wore big boy underwear. Since we had another snow day on Wednesday, we all headed to Wal-Mart to buy groceries and we decided to buy a pack of underwear for Landon to see how he would do with them. I had NO idea just how darn cute they would be on! I have mentioned this before and I'll mention it again, we are no where near potty trained. We aren't pushing it because I know it will happen when he is ready. I do have to say that he will pee in the potty a few times a week, sometimes even multiple times in one day. Like yesterday, he did 3 times- wahoo! We just randomly ask if he needs to go potty and 99% of the time, his answer is, "no". We take him anyway. :)
We always always always put him on right before we put the kids in the bath tub. If we can remember, one of us will try to put him on first thing in the morning and sometimes if he is in the mood, right after he wakes up from his afternoon nap. (if we are at home with him) 
Anyway, with that said, it's just a long process that we are prepared for. Adalyn was a breeze (for the most part) to potty train but I have heard boys are much different that girls so I'm (somewhat) prepared for this long journey. ;)

The underwear we bought came in a pack of 3 and they are Toy Story themed. As soon as we got home and unloaded the groceries, we put them on him. Adam and I made a bet as to how long it would take before he peed in them. I said 12 minutes. I can't remember what he said but it was less than my guess. Come to find out, we were both wrong. Maybe 5 minutes into wearing them, he peed. Ha! All we could do was laugh. We explained to him that we don't pee in our underwear, blah, blah, blah, made him wear them for a few minutes so he could feel the wetness of it and hopefully bother him enough to get the idea behind this whole thing, then we took them off and put the 2nd pair on. ( Side note-- the wetness did not bother him one bit. He kept playing like nothing happened. HAHA oh me!! Not what I wanted to happen!)  

Here he is with his 2nd pair on.

I bet you are wondering how long pair #2 lasted....
maybe 10 minutes before he pooped. 
Yuck. Gross. 
Memories came flooding back from potty training Adalyn.
and as we were dumping the poop in the toilet, all I could think about was cloth diapers... 
I do not get the concept of it. Besides the fact that it will save you money, I did not enjoy
cleaning that mess up. Whew!

After pair #2, we put a diaper on him since it was their nap time. Since then, we have put pair #3 on him a few times (on and off) and they are still dry. We will see how long they last. :)

Oh the joys of parenthood! 


  1. My names hizashi and im 12 please talk to be on Wickr

  2. Ive been trying to my wicker is



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