Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Our weekend!

Friday afternoon once we arrived home from work, we surprised Adalyn and told her she was going to the Father/Daughter Valentine dance at Adam's school. She was thrilled! We quickly got her dressed and off they went for a fun night together! 

With those two being gone, it was just Landon and I the rest of the night. We played super heroes, pushed tractors around, watched a movie, and had a picnic in the living room per his request. I always love spending one on one time with each of my kids. It's so fun to soley focus on Landon and do all things "boy", and then I love having my undivided attention with Adalyn as well and soaking in all the fun girl stuff we do. I am so blessed to have the best of both worlds!

I snapped this of him while we were in the play room. He had everything lined up just so. He was very particular about where he was putting everything. I couldn't help but to smile at watching him!

Saturday morning came around and Adam and the kids headed to the farm and I decided to stay home. I normally always go, but I needed to run a few errands that morning and I really wanted to deep clean the house. I was also able to tag all of the kids clothes for the consignment sales coming up. It was a very productive day! Around 3:45, Adam called to let me know Landon woke up from his nap with a fever and was throwing up. 
Oh great. The stomach bug, unfortunately, has hit.
Adam and the kids came home not long after I spoke with him. Poor Landon was lifeless. Burning up and just wiped out. I held him up over my shoulder while Adam gave him some medicine to help reduce his fever. 3 seconds later, he threw it up. All over the (clean lol) kitchen floor and all down my back. Glorious I know. That called for a bath and he seemed much better. I let him play in the bath for a long time and he bounced around and played in there like he normally does. He didn't want to eat or drink anything so we didn't make him. The bath took his fever away (for the time being) and we took it easy the rest of the night. I put him to bed around 8:00 like normal, but he woke up around 3:40 that morning and came into our room. I felt of him and his fever was back. We gave him ibuprofen and he asked for water. As he was drinking, Adam and I were hoping he would not throw it back up, especially since he was in our bed. We never let our kids sleep with us but since he was so sick, I put him right in the middle of us and crossed my fingers he wouldn't throw up everywhere. Thankfully, he slept until 8:00. I had already made plans to stay home from church with him. He threw up twice before Adam and Adalyn even left and then one more time before they got back home. He did not have any food and barely any water in his system so by this time he was just throwing up stomach acid I guess. After around 11:30, he was so much better! I pulled out some Saltine crackers to see if he was hungry or not. He ended up eating a ton of them and then drinking lots of Gatorade. He wasn't up for a normal lunch so Adam, Adalyn and I ate a sandwich and them we put them down for their naps. I ended up having to wake both up around 4:15. Adam left for a Deacon's meeting so we watched some TV then went outside to get some fresh air. It was so nice. Landon asked for a bowl of chips as his snack, which I normally would just give him Goldfish or crackers, but since he had barely eaten in two days, I was giving him whatever in the world he asked to eat.  He also wanted to swing in the "blue swing" so that's what we did. Adalyn and I took turns pushing him.
I managed to get a pretty cute picture of them, too. 
He is way big for this swing but he loves it!

And just for a walk down memory lane...

LOOK how much these two have grown!

I asked Landon what he wanted for supper later on that night and he said, "noodles". I knew he didn't mean macaroni noodles since he won't eat it so then he finally said, " The noodles daddy eats with meatballs"
and to clarify, we have never had meatballs with our spaghetti. Not sure where he got that one from! lol
With him asking for a big meal like that, I knew he was over the stomach bug and back to himself. He devoured his "noodles with meatballs" and was in need of yet another bath afterwards!
We watched a little bit of Frozen before bedtime, brushed teeth, read books and put the kids to bed. 

Today is Monday and I'm hoping the virus doesn't sneak up on any of us. 
Fingers crossed!

Two more things to throw in about our weekend...

We signed Adalyn up for Fastpitch back in January when they did early sign ups at the elementary basketball games. This past week I went and bought her a lot of pants and socks in all colors so she would be ready once practice rolls around. She has been asking for weeks now when her practice will start. So eager! That's my girl 
She can't wait to start and honestly I can't wait to watch her.

Saturday night while I held Landon on the couch and watched TV, Adam helped Adalyn with her Valentine box for her class party on Thursday. We didn't do anything elaborate, we just stuck with glittery hearts and princess stickers, just what she wanted.

Geeze my walls look lime green. I can assure you, they are not! haha

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