Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My 28th Birthday!

My birthday fell on Spring Break this year so it was an added treat to be able to stay home all day with Adam and the kids and do nothing but play! It was a hot, sunny day and that afternoon while the kids napped for a few hours, I layed on the patio while Adam was building our mobile hen house. Our winter felt so long this year and that hot sun burning my face was so welcoming! That afternoon was Adalyn's very first softball practice so it was only fitting I would be watching ball on my birthday. :) My high school birthdays were spent playing a softball game so it brought back lots of great memories! Her practice was from 5:30-7:00 and then we made our way over to my mom and dads for my big birthday dinner. I cannot even explain how nice it was to walk in the door and the table be set and the food already cooked and waiting on us. Supper time can be the hardest time of the day for us! We try to stay organized and know ahead of time what we will be eating each night or we  might have something in the crock pot but these late nights with ball starting up is new to us so any parent of little ones walking into a kitchen with food waiting on you is simply heaven!! Supper was delicious and I know we were all stuffed! Since I'm not a cake eater, my mom makes me an Oreo dessert every year and I always look forward to it. I opened up some goodies and snapped some pictures with my babies. I was flooded with text messages, phone calls, facebook messages and posts and spent my day with the people I love. 

Happy 28th Birthday to me!

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