Friday, October 16, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday, Landon!

I cannot believe Landon is 4! It doesn't seem like 4 years have already gone by. The early months of him being a newborn and Adalyn just turning 2 made me think his 4th birthday would never, ever get here and that time would drag on forever. If you have kids, you have learned how un-true that is. Time slips by without us really realizing it and the next thing we know, we have a 4 year old boy. 

Landon is always saying something goofy, he has a fabulous imagination, and has such a "big kid" vocabulary. 
He loves bugs, animals, and creatures of any kind. We have preached and preached that if he were to see a snake to run. Because he would totally try to talk to it like it's a cute little baby and pick it up. 

He still has the loudest squeal of any child I have ever been around. Has the sweetest laugh that will make you smile every time you hear it. 

Loves the water. Pool, lake or ocean. It doesn't bother him and he has no fear of it. He learned to "swim" without floaties towards the end of summer. He also likes to be pushed to the bottom of the pool to grab diving sticks. 
He still does not like to have his hair cut. He is getting better, but still not there quite yet. 
He cannot stand band-aids. He could have a gash on his leg and we wouldn't be able to put one on because he is THAT adamant about not wearing one. No matter what design is on it, he won't have it.

He is over the moon for superheroes. He loves wearing his costumes and "flying" through the house getting the bad guys.

He thinks the words "poop", "pee" and unfortunately, "butt" are the funniest words ever. We strongly discourage him saying butt for the record. He doesn't do it all the time. Just when he wants to be silly and to see if he can get away with it. 

Landon is our firecracker. He keeps us on our toes. He's messy, wild, but so very loving. He knows EXACTLY how to push Adalyn's buttons. (Though Adalyn knows exactly how to push his, too.)
He is our junk food loving, sun drop (or any type) drinking boy. 

He must have his superheroes set up just so. We are still working on sharing his superheroes with his sister. We are slowly getting there ;)
He loves watching Paw Patrol, Blaze, and just about anything on Disney Jr. 
His love for books is so big! Adalyn always loved looking at books, but if I can't find Landon within the house, more than likely he has grabbed a book and is sitting in his chair in his bedroom looking through it. Anytime we leave the house to go somewhere, he must carry out of the house at least 6 books for his leisurely reading while in the car. 
 He makes me want to pull my hair out but then two minutes later I could just scoop him up and kiss his sweet face a million times. 
He enjoys being on the farm and eating a sausage biscuit every Saturday morning from the store. 
(and of course, having a few sips of daddy's Sun Drop) 

He loves fruit, sandwich meat, hot dogs, pizza lunchables, chicken, bacon, Belvita crackers, yogurt, and cinnamon rolls to name a few. 
He will finally chew on a piece of gum instead of swallowing it the first 20 seconds it's in his mouth. 

Landon is our last baby and all I can think of is this time next year he will be 5. He will be even bigger and maybe a little harder to hold and cuddle with. I have mixed feelings when I think of him growing up on me. It's a good thing, but then again, can pull on a momma's heartstrings like none other. 

Landon is smart, funny, loud, energetic, and just about the true definition of a boy. He is so lovable and when he is in the mood, he is the best cuddle buddy, ever. He loves wearing his backpack and carrying his lunchbox into preschool. On the days where it's just me and him, he sticks right by my side and is always so well behaved. 

I love every single detail about this sweet boy.

Landon, you are an absolute mess - but a beautiful one that I know God has big things in store for. 
Thank you Lord for choosing Adam and I to raise Landon. 
We are forever grateful!

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