Monday, April 11, 2011

Adalyn May

She is almost 17 month old and oh my goodness! the personality! she seriously has to be the funniest, smartest, girl we know! (of course we are biased) She is talking up a storm which is the cutest thing ever. You tell her a word and she does her very best to say it back to us. When she signs Please, she now also says "Pees". She is really into "listening" for things. We can hear a train everyday and she puts her little hand up to her ear and says, "shhh". Then she says "tain" and says "choo choo" while moving her arm up and down. She is really into birds and dogs as well. At the funeral home, we have a bird shed of doves that we release at the cemetery and we always go and talk to them. She will put her hand to her mouth (like trying to make a beak) and say " toot toot"- her version of tweet tweet. Their are also some dogs down the road and so the other day she told the birds bye bye and started barking and pointing for us to go visit the dogs. She can clearly answer us when we ask her a question about something. "sssii" is yes and No is no! It's so funny b/c she knows she isnt allowed to touch or play with certain things so she will go up to it and point her finger and say, "no no no". hahaha. I have always mentioned her love for books. She would rather sit a read a book than do just about anything! Which i totally love that. Her favorite place to be is under the dining room table. She will crawl under there with a book, pat the floor beside her for "dada" and pat the other side of her for "mama". So, Adam and I spend a lot of time underneath our table. We wouldn't have it any other way! She loves to say "baby" and will come and point at my belly. She is also giving her brother or sister lots of kisses. Cheese is her favorite snack. She runs to the fridge and points and says, "cheeeessseee" over and over again. The funny thing is, she knows the difference between provolone and cheddar cheese. It must be yellow- not white and she will eat it. Nancy had her yesterday and they were talking about Wal-Mart and Adalyn calls it "Mal Mal". I guess you can tell we are frequent visitors of the wal-mart. She says bubble, purple, and turtle, too. It really just seems like everyday she is saying and doing something brand new! I haven't really updated everyone with the adventures of Adalyn lately so I had some time to do it.

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