Monday, April 11, 2011


We bought our very first home and have been so busy painting, tearing up carpet, and buying new flooring for the entire house! I was off this past weekend so Adalyn and I made a trip to Murfreesboro to get her some new white sandals for summer and we made a trip to Target to look for bathroom stuff for mine and Adam's bathroom. Nothing really stood out to me so I bought Adalyn the cutest pair of sunglasses, 2 books, and a beach ball. I swear I can't even leave a store without spending money. Once we got back to Manchester, Adam was done with work so we met him at the house. Adalyn loves how big our yard is and was running all over the place!

Looking cute with our new sunglasses

Daddy's Home!


Wore out from all the running around she did. Relaxing while watching Mickey Mouse

The house is coming along so nicely! It was built in 2001, and they had a small dog which meant the carpet was beyond nasty. Adam and I headed to Dalton, GA on Saturday and purchased new carpet for the entire house, laminate hardwood for the foyer and dining room, and linoleum for the kitchen. Since I am pregnant, Adam has not let me paint a single room! Which is fine I suppose, I have always hated to paint anyway. BUT- I feel so useless! lol. Thankfully, Adam had 2 full days after we closed while he was still on Spring Break and he painted and painted and painted. Our family has also painted and helped so much. Adam ripped up all the carpet yesterday and I went behind him with a painting stick and a putty knife that my dad ducked taped to the rod and put a screw in so I could scrape away all the extra foam and those stupid staples that kept the carpet and carpet pad down with. He fixed that up for me b/c I started out on my hands and knees and my belly is really starting to get in the way and i thought my right arm was going to fall off. So, with my handy rod fixed up, i started scraping away! It took me hours to finish, I had to rest a lot. You just don't realize that your body cant handle a lot of work when you are pregnant which sucks! Now, the right side of my lower back is hurting but other than that Im in pretty good shape! My dad has been working on the wainscotting in Adalyn's room. We are making it just like her room now. I am still so in love with it. We have not painted the new babies room or their bathroom yet until we know what I'm cooking in there. We will also put wainscotting up in his or her room as well. I just love the look of it. The floor guys started early this morning in the kitchen so I think the entire house will be done by Wednesday! Then, we can start moving furniture. So, that's a little update on our new home! I will post pictures soon =)

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