Monday, July 26, 2010

2 "firsts" in one day...

So, yesterday (Sunday) was such a nice, relaxing day. We woke up to beautiful weather and got ready for Church. As usual, we sign Adalyn in at the nursery and take her to her room to drop her off. Daddy was holding her and when he went to put her down, she started crying! I can tell you I have been dreading that day ever since we started taking her to the nursery. People would tell us that it would eventually happen and I definitely was not expecting it to happen so soon. But, she is almost 9 months old and she definitely likes her momma and daddy best. ;) Anyway, it absolutely broke our hearts. We quickly left and headed up to Sunday School in a hurry since Adam was teaching. I admit, I left during class to drop off the attendance and of course I had to peek in at her. She was fine. Sitting there looking around at everyone. Shew. Made me feel better! So after Church I had to go into work for a few hours, came home and even took a 2 hour nap!! Thank you Adam!! Man, i have always loved taking naps but now a nap is like gold to me. I wish I could nap like that everyday. After i woke up, we headed to Wal-Mart for our weekly grocery shopping. As my title states, "2 firsts in one day" I will now tell you what I mean. First, as most of you know, I can not STAND anything with "Princess" on it. haha. I am just so not into that. Definitely not my thing. Don't ask me why because I really do not have a good explanation as to why I dislike it so much, I just do. However, Adalyn does have ONE onesie with the word "princess" on it and the ONLY reason she has it is because it says "Princess on the farm" and has a John Deere tractor on it and it's pink. Obviously, that's for her daddy. I must admit, it was cute, but that will probably be the only thing she wears with princess on it for a while until she gets older and realizes she likes all the Disney characters, which is fine. I'll have to get over it I guess. So, "first" number 1, Princess on the onesie. Sigh. On to number 2. While at Wal-Mart, Adam and I decided to buy Adalyn some baby food- organic peas. Why is this considered a first? Well, we have made ALL of Adalyn's baby food thus far! Thanks to a good friend who gave us an awesome book telling us step by step how to do it, we absolutely LOVE doing it. It's so much fun and SO much CHEAPER than buying baby food! Man if people only knew how much you could save! Anyway, we decided to buy some peas for her because we weren't really in the mood to make them or read up on how to do it. Bad excuse, I know. We spent $1.25 for 2 jars of peas! crazy I tell ya. For all of her other foods, we will continue to make, just skipped on the peas!

So, as I mentioned, we had 2 "firsts" in one day. Adalyn loved the peas by the way. We weren't real sure how she was going to react to them considering green beans aren't high on her like list so we were assuming peas wouldn't be much better.

Sadly, I did not even get a picture of Adalyn in her princess onesie and eating the peas for the first time. What kind of mom am I?

Leaving you with some fun pictures of our precious baby.
waving at daddy...

Bath time!

Nice shot of her teeth

First time eating watermelon

love her laughing smile!

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