Friday, July 16, 2010

8 months old

Adalyn, my dear, you are growing way too fast! You are now 8 months old and getting into EVERYTHING that your little chubby hands can grab. You keep mommy and daddy VERY busy when you are crawling around and pulling up on things! We constantly tell you "No" and explain why we are saying "no". Not that you understand a word we are saying, but it's mainly for our benefit right now. Just so we can get in the habit of explaining things on your level and to sharpen up our parenting skills!

For some reason you aren't exactly sleeping through the night anymore! Mommy and Daddy definitely do not like this. Now don't get me wrong, you sleep great and have since you were 11 weeks old, but you were sick about 2 weeks ago and ever since then, you wake up 1-2 (if not more)times during the night now. I know you are in the process of cutting your 4th tooth, so I know your gums are probably irritating you. Some times when daddy or myself walks into your room during the night, you are standing up looking around your dark room. We immediately tell you its bed time and put you back on your tummy and pat your back for a few seconds. However, sometimes it's not that simple! (We are determined to not take you to bed with us because that would definitely solve the problem, but we don't want you to make a habit of prefering to sleep with us and not in your own pretty crib.)When you are standing up and we reach for you to lay you back down, you start grabbing our shirts and you try to pull yourself out of the crib while attached to our neck. It is the sweetest thing EVER, but at 2 AM, we would prefer you wait until the sun comes up to hang all over us. With that being said, lets get that 4th tooth through and SLEEP! Please and thank you. =) Aside from sleeping, you are eating great! You have tried some new foods lately. For starters, daddy picked green beans from the garden for you. At first you weren't real sure what to do with them, but as days went on, you decided you might like them a little bit. As for carrots, you are really starting to like those, and you sure are messy with them. It has stained a few bibs so we make sure to put bibs on you that mommy doesn't mind getting stained. =) I, on the other hand, cannot stand cooked carrots. Yuck. I even tried some before feeding them to you, and it just reminded me how bad I can't stand them. So, needless to say, I am glad you are liking them because they really are very good for you. We also introduced Tofu to you! Yup, tofu. According to our book, it is full of protein and very good for you so we mash it up and mix it in your porridge. Because the consistency is some what lumpy, you make the funniest faces and push it back out with your tongue. We tried it for a couple of nights, but we are giving it a rest for a bit and will try later. We also got your 8 month pictures taken in Murfreesboro. It was so hot but you smiled and laughed the entire time!! That's my girl. I am going to start calling you little miss photogentic. We changed your outfit 3 different times and you looked so darn cute in all of them! So anyway, my sweet little Adalyn, you are getting so, so big and you have the best personality. You are becoming more of a little girl and not so much my itty bitty baby anymore. Makes me happy and sad at the same time. You will understand that feeling when you have a baby one day. I Love You Adalyn Clark.

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