Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine's Day party at preschool!

Landon walked into my bathroom as I was getting ready this morning after he had just woken up and said, "Momma, is it my Kindergarten day today?" Confused, I told him to ask me his question again. So, he repeated himself with the same statement and I figured out what he was meaning. He was asking if today was his Valentine's Day party.
I can't talk or think clearly when I first wake up either buddy

I had two excited kids this morning as we left for school. We talked about their pizza party and all the Valentine goodies they would be getting from their friends today. 
Adam had a principals meeting today until noon and then another meeting at 1:30, so he was able to attend their class parties with me! Which was nice. Otherwise, I would have had to walk back and forth from their classes and try to balance my time with each. We did split our time and take turns with each of them so I snapped a few pictures. 
As soon as I walked into Landon's class, everyone was sitting at their desks. He jumps up and immediately takes me to his cubby to show me all of his Valentine candy and treats he received. He could not wait to dig into it!

Nancy was able to be there as well and took the kids home for their naps while Adam and I returned back to work. 
It was nice to be able to spend time with them during our work day!

I got online and printed these free superhero printables and taped them to a Jolly Rancher sucker with his name on the back of it. Not pictured was also Batman, Superman and Robin.
He loved it!

Here are Adalyn's Valentine's she passed out to her friends.
Loved this!

Pizza mouth!

The kiddos enjoyed their day and now we are all ready for a long weekend!

Happy party day!

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