Tuesday, January 11, 2011


We have snow! and lots of it! Adam and I stay up late now b/c that's the only time I have to do my embroidering. Adalyn is wayy too interested in what I am doing so I do it when she goes to sleep. Thank goodness she is in bed by 7:30. So Monday night we were able to watch the snow as it started coming in. Within 30 minutes the ground was covered outside. I seriously doubt Adam will be going back to school this week. Lucky. We closed work at 10:15 (yay!) yesterday so I was able to spend the day with Adam and Adalyn. When I got home Adalyn was taking her morning nap so I crawled into my bed and napped for an hour which was nice! (just not long enough) We then ate lunch and she played with Adam and I started sewing. We have to block off the dining room b/c that is where I keep my machine and she cant stand when we do that! She just kept saying, "Mama, Mama, Mama". Once I was done with a shirt, we bundled up and went outside. We had so much fun! Even Adalyn. The snow was so thick and pretty. I almost hated walking on it.
Adam plopped Adalyn down and she did not move for about 5 minutes. She just watched us play in the snow. I guess she thought she couldn't walk in it.
Once she realized she was not nailed to the ground, she then decided she would walk around and see what all this snow was about.

just look at this sweet face!

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