This will be a quick post, but I just wanted to share!
It seems like since Adalyn turned one, she has figured out so many new things!
She signs all done, more, dog, and baby. Im so glad she knows all done; it makes it so much easier for Adam and I to know when she is full. She just waves those hands so fast! Ohhh, and her signing baby is the cutest thing. She grasps her hands together and just sways those arms back and forth so fast. She also says mama, dada, uh-oh, and wow.
When we say "arms up", she throws her arms up as high and she can reach.
She now knows where her nose is and will point at it. We are doing "My Baby Can Read" with her and let me just tell you, it is amazing!!!
Today I was watching her tear up an envelope from Farm Bureau and when she finally got a piece torn off, she stood up and walked straight into the kitchen to throw it away! I know my mouth dropped. I was shocked so I asked her to come back in the living room and to throw something away for me. She grabs it out of my hands and walks back to the trash. I may like this game ;)
She also loves helping me put clothes in the washer. She picks ONE thing up AT A TIME and will put it in the wash. Yes, it takes FOREVER to finally get the load started, but it just makes my heart smile seeing her helping me and being so in tune as to what I am doing.
We also gave her scambled eggs for the 1st time last night. We could not put them on her tray fast enough! She LOVED them.
She has also shown interest in turning a front flip. She kneels over and puts her head and hands on the ground, but she cant quite figure out how to get her body over. I hoping we have a gymnast on our hands.
Monday the 22 was her 1 year check up! Gah, I still cannot believe she is one. Anyway, she weighs 23 lbs-80th percentile and is 30.5 inches long-97th percentile and her head is also in the 97th percentile. (ha) She is just like her daddy. The only thing she got from me were blue eyes. Maybe our next kid will look like me...
No pictures to post tonight. Just wanted to share the exciting accomplishments happening in the Clark household!