Adalyn, at 8 1/2 months, I was finally able to put a bow in your "hair". You have been absolutely bald since I gave birth to you! For all of you who know me, you know how BAD I have wanted to put a bow in her hair. I LOVE bows on babies so much. I can't wait until her hair actually gets longer and she will have a bow in it everyday! I did as a child, so why not her? However, I do recall that when I was at the age where I knew what a bow was, I HATED them. My mom and grandmother dressed me up like a doll and I had poofy dresses and HUGE bows in my hair everyday. But I must admit, I was a cute little thing. Adalyn, I can promise this, I won't put you in a dresses with poofy sleeves and itchy elastic! haha. Ah, memories.
This picture is for uncle christopher.
and check out her pajamas... momma loves them
waving at us.
Last but not least, I have to add this photo. Adalyn, when you are older you will understand but this picture shows you definitely have Anderson in your blood!
Sticking your tongue out and thinking really, really hard! =) Love it!
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