Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Landon is saying a new word everyday now. Or so it seems. He has added to his vocabulary "Bubba" "Beep Beep" "Ball" "Hot" and "No". We asked him to say "thank you" the other night instead of signing it, and he said something very very close to thank you, but it wasn't very clear. Something to the effect of "ank ew". His little hairs keep growing and growing and he looks so much like a big boy (and his daddy) since we comb his hair off to the side. Adam specifically asked me to blog about what I'm about to type so he could always remember it. Sweet, huh? So I'll tell you first about the kids bedtime routine. I love schedules. (and being organized but that has nothing to do with what I'm about to say. Just had to throw it out there) Once Landon got out of his "newborn sleeping all day stage", it was mandatory for me to get them on a schedule. For my sake and really, for them as well. So, Landon takes a morning nap at 8 for about an hour and they both take an afternoon nap at 1:00 which lasts anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours. (about 45 minutes if he's teething bad. Darn teeth! But he's past the "bad" teething stage now since he just has a few more to go. So if he's not teething and just doesn't feel good, he might not nap as long. But once I get him, he will fall back asleep in my arms. Imagine that. :)So anyway, once Adam and I are home from work, we take the kids outside if it's not absolutely freezing or raining, come in and cook dinner, play, read books, break up the kids fighting over Adalyn's crayons or Landon getting mad that Adalyn took his book away from him, (it's quite entertaining at times... If I'm in a good mood, but if I'm moody, it's just plain annoying) and it still shocks me that they are already doing this so young! Adalyn is at the stage where she MUST help cook dinner. Which I love the fact that she is so interested and when she actually listens to my instructions and isn't making a mess with the flour, sugar, etc... What's the saying, "Too many cooks in the kitchen?" ;) She loves to set the table which I pray she continues with her good attitude about doing so well up into her teenage years. HA. I know better than that. I was a teenager once! Ok, I'm getting sidetracked big time. Anyway, we eat, clean, give baths, put pj's on and watch either an episode of Handy Manny, Doc McStuffins, or Tad and Lily, a Leap Frog movie. We eat a snack, the kids drink their cup of milk, brush teeth, then Adam puts Landon to bed and I put Adalyn to bed. We have always done that. Always. So they both know exactly what to expect and most of the time, there isn't too much whining from Adalyn (for one reason or another. you know how kids are!). Oh but when she does, UGH! Adalyn and I sit in the recliner and I read 3 books to her, then I sing a few songs, and then I take her to her bed. Per her instructions, I have to sing to her once I lay her down, too. And it has to be 4 songs. She cracks me up. So, that is Adalyn's bedtime routine. She's in bed by 8:00. Adam does the same thing with Landon. He sits in his recliner in Landon's bedroom, reads 3 or so books, and then sings to him. Adam told me the other night that Landon now will sign "more" and look right up at him after his books are over with for Adam to sing. Adam said he basically has just laid the book down and hasn't even turned him into him and he's automatically waiting on him to start singing. He says he can see his little hands in the dark sign "more" before he finishes a song. Adam lays him down while he is still drowsy around 7:45. He has told me every night for a week how sweet it is and how much he loves Landon doing that. Like I said, he asked me to blog about it so we can remember it. I blog #1 because their baby books are full, and #2, like Adam said, so we can remember every milestone, funny saying, vacations, birthdays, holidays, etc. I really enjoy going back to read old blog posts about Adalyn when she was a baby. So I'm glad I have kept my blog up because I know one day when the kids are older, this will be such a treasure to us!

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