Thursday, May 20, 2010

6 Months Old

I'm a little late in blogging about our baby turning 6 months old (which occured Thursday, May 13)! So here is a letter to my Adalyn.


My precious baby, you are now 6 months old! Please tell me why time goes by so fast?! It is so hard for me to remember you as a delicate and fragile newborn. I now can "throw" you on my hip and off we go. You have changed so much within these past 6 months. Your daddy and I often talk about the "newborn" stage quite a bit and laugh! Oh how nervous we were drving home from the hospital. We didn't say a word because you were sleeping and we didn't want to wake you because we were scared you would strat crying and we had an hour drive home and we probably would not have known what to do! ha. I also remember being mad at cars as they sped past us! I remember thinking, "SLOW DOWN!! We have a newborn in here!" Like they knew we had a tiny precious baby in our back seat. Adam probably drove about 65 or 70 the whole way home. and from the swaddling to get you to go back to sleep. We wrapped you so tight. We called you our little burrito. We still believe that worked for you. It may not for all babies, but for you, it did. We even slept with our closet light on for a few weeks since you were in the pack n play by our bed. The sleepless nights we encountered. Looking back, those were precious times to me. It may not felt so precious at the time, but it was. Since I was the only one that could feed you, your daddy was nice enough to get up with us to help us both figure out the nursing process. After a few days, we were good to go! I remember sitting you in your Bumbo seat for the 1st time. We had to roll a blanket up and put behind you because you looked like an old lady all humped over. Now when I put you in your Bumbo, you can almost get out of it by yourself! And the dreaded Tummy Time. You absoulutely hated being on your tummy for some reason! This made momma nervous because I knew how beneficial tummy time was for you. Thinking back, I may have started Tummy Time too early? Is that such a thing? Anyway, you couldn't even lift your head up then and your face would be buried on the floor and that would make you mad so you would cry. I finally figured I would prop you up on your Boppy pillow and you liked it much better. =) Then you started rolling over but you did it whenever you wanted to. You would roll over one night, then not do it agian for a few days. Now when we put you on your back to change your diaper or your clothes, you immediately roll to your tummy and try to crawl away. (You will be crawling soon by the way). I am definitely getting my daily workout when I change you. You are attempting to crawl, or should I say, "creep". It is so cute watching you work so hard! I say within a few weeks we will be chasing you around the house! So as you can see, you have accomplished a lot within the past 6 months. I cannot remember my life before I had you. I feel like I have had you to myself forever, and its only been 6 months. Well, if you want to count the 9 months you were in my belly, I have had you for quite some time! Oh, and by the way, I liked being pregnant with you and knowing I was the only one that could "hold" you during those 9 long months. Selfish, maybe, but I secretly liked the fact that I had you all to my self. =) I Love You Adalyn May Clark. You daddy lookin thing you!

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