Another "first" happened last weekend. We went to Granna and Granddaddy's and dipped Adalyn in the pool! She was SO cute in her little bathing suit and she didn't seem to mind the water at all. Check her out!
All that swimming will wipe a girl out...
Adalyn also had her 6 month check up this past Monday. She weighed in at 17 lbs 14.5 oz (80th%) and was 27 1/2 inches. (97th%) What a big girl! Oh yeah, her head was in the 90th% as well. Definitely taking after her daddy! She also got the mean shots. But thankfully, she does great with them. So far she has never had a reaction or fever because of them. She cries for a few seconds, then stops and starts smiling at us. This time when she started crying, her face turned beat red and we had to blow in her face to breathe! It it torture watching your sweet baby cry like that! But like I said, it lasts for a few seconds and then shes over it.
Reading, or should I say eating a book while waiting on Dr. Eastham
The book got old so she moved on to the paper.
After her doctor's appointment, we made a pit stop into Hobby Lobby (my favorite!) then we headed on to Franklin to watch Autumn play ball!
Adalyn is SO close to crawling! She gets on all 4's, sways back and forth, and then tries to pull herself forward. She then typically goes back to her tummy and attempts to scoot that way. She definitely is moving, but its usually backwards. ha. She is also wanting to pull up. Whatever she is sitting next to, she will do her very best to grab the couch, coffee table, Bumbo, or me and Adam, and tries to pull up. These past few days she is getting closer and closer. Its so cute to watch her work SO hard. We are also practicing walking with her. As soon as we hold her hands and walk, she starts giggling. She must think shes big stuff or something! With all that being said, that's just proof my little Adalyn is getting BIG!
I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend. We will be at the lake all weekend with family!
This picture has no relation to what I have been writing,but it is solely for the pure cuteness factor (for me atleast since I'm a little biased)
Check out those baby blue eyes and that hair bow!
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