Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Break

I'm just now getting around to blogging about our Spring Break which was March 25-29. I have to say, I absolutely love that Adam and I both work for the school system. We seriously have the best schedule ever and I wouldn't trade it for a thing. Spring Break was of course cold. I can't really remember the last time we had decent weather for Spring Break. It snowed Monday and Tuesday (ugh! I was SO over the snow!) it rained, and then the sun finally came out towards the end of the week. On Wednesday, I had a doctors appointment at Baptist so I took Adalyn along with me. I decided to put the DVD players in the car so she would be occupied with something. I think she chose Cinderella. She was a gem at my appointment. We play "doctor" so much at home, she felt right at place. She laid on the table and told me everything I needed to do for her. I know I have said this a lot lately, but I love this age. She is so so so easy to take places. After my first appointment, we went to Centennial Park to walk around for a bit. (I turned the picture. I have no idea why it's still sideways. Just turn your head :)

We then went to Wendy's for lunch. We both had chicken nuggets and fries. Then we headed back to Baptist for my second appointment. While we waited, she colored and played with my phone. Once we were finally finished, I bought her a bag of chips and some juice, put another movie on for the car ride, and she was set. She ended up falling asleep about 10 minutes before we got home. Figures. Once home, we played for a bit, ate supper, then made our way to Church. On Thursday, we spent most of the day at home and once the kids woke up from their naps, we took them to Jerry and Nancy's. Tori and Hunter were staying the night so they wanted the kids to stay, too! We had them dropped off around 3:30 then Adam and I left. Wahoo! Date night for us! We went straight to Wal-Mart to buy groceries, rented a movie, stuffed our faces at Jiffy Burger, then headed home to do nothing! Adam had missed Grey's Anatomy the week before we found it OnDemand and watched it before the new episode came on at 8. After Grey's went off, we watched the movie we rented then went to bed. Friday morning, we slept until 7:30! That's really late for us. It was so nice. We ate breakfast, I think I made a shirt real quick, then we headed to Pelham to see the kids and to farm the rest of the day. It was kind of a cloudy day but it was a lot warmer than earlier in the week so we were outside just about all day long. Nancy also cooked a huge lunch to celebrate my birthday the weekend before. It was delicious! Landon took his usual morning nap and woke up as we were sitting down to eat. After lunch, we all went back outside to work. We take the kids with us too so they can be around the animals and help us if they can. We were picking up limbs/sticks around the pig lot and Adalyn got straight to work. We let her go off on her own and she knows not to touch the hot fence and not to jump in the huge mud puddle that the pigs roll around in. Other than that, she can do whatever. It was so fun to watch her pick up sticks and trash that we found. Then she got a big stick and tried to herd the pigs. They run for their life when she comes after them. It's hilarious. We rode the 4-wheeler, put up a new fence for the cows, and cleaned up. Landon loves our 4-wheeler. He is trying to say "4-wheeler" and it getting closer and closer at doing so successfully. He points and squeals until we take him for a ride. I decided I would ride him around for a bit to get it out of his system. At one point, I noticed he was moving around like jello in my arms. I looked down at him and noticed he was really sleepy. From that point on, I made sure I hit all the bumps I could. Within about 3 minutes, he was leaning forward asleep. I put my hand out and let his head rest in my hand while I drove him to Jerry. Jerry held him in the truck and drove him out to the house, laid him on the couch, and he slept for about 2 hours or so. After we were done working, we loaded up the kids and headed home. We were wore out! Oh, I think Adalyn napped sometime during the day, too. That's what I get for not blogging about our Spring Break right after it happened- I start forgetting. All in all, it was a great day! We got a lot accomplished and had a lot of fun.

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