Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Saturday on the farm

Saturday morning Adam left the house at 5:00 to head to Pelham to finish processing the rest of our chickens. I waited around the house until I felt certain he should almost be finished with them. It would not be a good thing for the kids to see their chickens being killed and gutted right in front of their eyes. So, we arrived around 8:45. I called Adam and he had a few chickens to go so we played in the garden for a bit. I got some of the sweetest pictures.

My Favorite

Look how sweet my two babies are!

Jerry came up to the garden and met us then we headed over to the store for breakfast. Every Saturday, the kids chow down on sausage biscuits. We headed to the house for a bit. They played and watched TV then Adam and Jerry were finally done processing the chickens. So we headed back to the garden and got to work! Adalyn and Landon rode on the tractor with Adam while he plowed. Adalyn ended up getting off and helped me ho around the tomato plants. Landon dozed off but woke up soon after Jerry took him off the tractor. We just let the kids roam all over the garden. Landon would try so hard to carry the hula ho around. It was so cute. We took a break and I took the kids over to the store and got them some push pops.

Push pop in hand, Landon makes his way to help his daddy and sister

The kids went back to the house with Nancy while she cooked lunch for us. We stayed in the garden and planted a few more veggies as well as some flowers. When we were finally through, we headed to the house and ate mashed potatoes, pork tenderloin, and fried okra. YUM. Adalyn was dying to go check on the cows by this point so we took the kids and hopped in the truck. Adam was needing to put up a new fence anyway so off we went. We weren't in the truck 5 minutes and Landon fell asleep in my lap. I took him back inside and laid him on the bed. He slept for about 2.5 hours. Adalyn and I drove the truck by Adam while he put up a new fence for the cows. After that, we were hot and tired so Adalyn and I went inside. Landon was still sleeping so I kicked back in the recliner and Adalyn couldn't keep still. She kept getting into things and getting in trouble. I finally got up and put her in the chair with me. 5 minutes later, she was out. She just needed to get comfortable and to sit still for longer than 1 minute, and she went right to sleep. I was able to take a nap with her which is always nice! I get one in any chance I can get :) Landon woke up during our nap and Nancy took him out to the garden to see Adam and Jerry. After a while, I packed everything and woke Adalyn up. She wasn't too happy with me but she ended up falling back to sleep in the car on the way home.

We had a great Saturday with beautiful weather! The kids always have so much fun on the farm. For that, I am so grateful! I pray our kids grow up with a work ethic just like their daddy has!

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