Tuesday, December 13, 2011

6 times

Today was a great potty training day! Although I must admit, I'm really not doing a whole lot of training... Adalyn tells me every single time she needs to potty and today she did 6 times!!! That is the most so far and she was just so proud of herself. I, of course, was proud of her too! She is 25 months old (today) and I really consider her on the right track with potty training. I'm hoping she will be completely out of diapers in a month or so. How great would that be for our wallet! Diapers are so expensive it will help a lot when we only have to buy for Landon. Other than peeing in the potty and getting her M&M's as a reward, today was pretty much the same as everyday. Landon is on a pretty good schedule and he is like clock work when it comes to taking his naps and stuff. On Sunday night, we put him in his room for the vert first time and he did great! I have been more than ready to get him out of our room. He is a grunter and it seemed like he grunted all night. Must be a guy thing. He wouldn't wake up but it woke me up all throughout the night. It really was very annoying. When he turned 10 weeks old, I was finally able to not feed him anymore throughout the night. It got to the point where I would have to once, but eventually right around 10 weeks, no more night feedings. He is almost 13 weeks now. His favorite thing to do right now is stick his whole fist in his mouth and suck. I remember the day when he first noticed his hand, then I remember him attempting to put his hand in his mouth but kept missing, and now, his hand is in his mouth all the time. This past week he has started to drool really bad. He likes to be held outward so he can see everything and one day I was standing in the kitchen and felt something wet his my foot. An image of the movie, Big Daddy, flashed into my mind. It was his spit that landed on my foot. nice. He is such a chubby baby! He isn't even 3 months old yet and last week I had to dress him in his 3-6 month clothing. He is in size 2 diapers but after we finish this box, he will be ready for size 3. Getting so big so fast.

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