Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall Break 2013

You know one of the things I love about working for the school system? Fall Break! (and all the other breaks we get, too!) It was so nice to not have to rush to get ready in the mornings, play outside with the kids, and go on a quick getaway to Birmingham to visit Sherrie and Dave. Adam's Fall Break actually started on Friday the 27. We both took off work to head to Knoxville for UT Family Weekend. On Monday, I worked but then was off the rest of the week. We were able to get a lot of cleaning and organizing accomplished. Oh, and lots of play time with the kids :) Adalyn kept asking, "So you aren't going to work today?" 

On Wednesday, we packed for our trip to Birmingham. Adam is teaching a class on Wednesday nights at Church so we left as soon as Church was over. We put the kids in their pj's, gave them their blankets, and turned on Peter Pan for them to watch. They eventually both fell asleep and we arrived I think around 10:30? They were so excited to see Sherrie and Memaw. (Dave and PaPaw were already asleep). Once we got settled in for the night, we all went to sleep. We were wore out! 

When we woke up, Sherrie was cooking breakfast for us. Which even included homemade cinnamon rolls. YUM. We all ate well and got ready for a busy day- we were going to the Zoo! Adalyn specifically asked if we could have a picnic lunch while we were there. It sounded like a good idea to us! I made all of us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and we packed chips, trail mix, watermelon, and grapes. We arrived at the Zoo around 10 AM. Landon dozed off on the short drive over so he wasn't too thrilled when we woke him up. 
He got over it pretty quick though and perked right up!

This was Landon's very first visit to the Zoo. Adam and I took Adalyn last year during Fall Break and she loved it!

The weather was perfect on this day. A slight breeze, warm at times, but I could definitely feel Fall like weather. It was decorated for Halloween so they enjoyed seeing all the pumpkins and ghosts. Our first stop was to see the Elephants. But on our way to see the Elephants, we came across a Disney set up. The kids loved this.

Then it was off to check out the animals!

(totally relaxed in the stroller while eating goldfish)

These two are so sweet :)

We also rode the train around the Zoo as well. Landon shouted "All aboard!" off and on throughout the ride. I don't have any pictures of this so maybe I can get some from Sherrie. The kids loved the ride and Adalyn said towards the end, "I'm hungry momma. Can we eat?" So we got off the train and made our way to the car to get the coolers and we sat in the picnic area and we all chowed down! Walking always makes me so hungry! The kids finished before we did so they walked around and found sticks. Adalyn twirled around while Landon played in the dirt underneath a table.
When we got everything cleaned up, we made our way back into the zoo. We came across a water spot. Adalyn immediately wanted to run through it. I told her she could and Adam wasn't really sure he liked my answer. lol. What the heck, right?! We didn't even have a change of clothes for them but I knew they would have fun so we let them have at it!

When we got back to the house, we put the kids down for a nap. In seperate rooms I might add. Adam stayed downstairs with Sherrie, while I napped in her room and the kids were upstairs. I was so so tired! The nap was much needed for all of us!

Once we got up, we went outside to swing and waited on Dave to get home. Then we got dressed and went out to dinner. Landon wasn't to interested in eating, he wanted to roam the place instead. :) I need to add, Kenny was able to meet us for dinner! The kids were excited to see him. After supper, Dave, Nancy, Adam and I went over to Home Goods to shop a little bit. Sherrie, Jerry and Kenny took the kids home. I hear they had a big time!
I have never been into a Home Goods store and oh my goodness- I fell in love! I could have stayed in there for hours. I still managed to come out of there with 3 things though. ;)
Friday morning we woke up, ate breakfast and then headed to feed the ducks,geese, and swans. 

(real life- what can I say? It's hard to take a family photo with a 3 and a 2 year old :)

Jerry and Nancy took the kids back to the house while Adam, Sherrie and I went to Target to do some shopping. Once we made our way back to the house, we ate lunch and then hit the road. Perfect timing too because it was nap time! They both fell asleep for about an hour and a half. 

We were home around 4:30 I believe. The kids were so excited to play outside once we got back home. Sitting in the car for a few hours is hard on anyone! I was glad to stretch my legs, too. 

We had a quick, but great visit with Sherrie and Dave. We all had a great time!

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