Friday, October 3, 2014

Landon's 3 year check up

Monday morning Landon had his 3 year check up with Dr. Eastham. We had told him a few days prior about his appointment and one of the first things he said to me was, "I don't want a shot". I didn't want to lie to him because I truly wasn't sure if he was due for a shot or not so I just told him I wasn't sure and that it would be ok if so. Monday morning comes around and all Adalyn could say to him was that he would be getting a shot in his thigh "right here" (pointing at her thigh) and said that it would hurt. I told her to hush and to stop trying to purposefully scare her brother.

Landon did so well at his appointment. He was in the 92nd percentile in height and 91st percentile in weight.
He weighed 37.5 lbs and is 3 ft 3 inches tall.

Can't believe he is 3!

Adam made the comment the other night that he wishes we could just freeze him and keep him this size and age forever. I totally agreed. 
Age 2- 2 1/2 I'm not so sure I could say I agreed with him if he said it then.
But he is growing up before my eyes and is getting big and heavy and I have noticed it's getting harder for me to hold him and rock with him. Since he is our last child, I am truly savoring this time in our lives right now. 

My "baby" is no longer a baby anymore and I'm not so sure I am ready to acknowledge that!

Read about Adalyn's 3 year check up here!!

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