Wednesday, November 28, 2012

3 year check-up

Adam and I left work early this morning to take Adalyn for her 3 year check up. We told her a few days ago she would be going so that's pretty much all she has talked about. She would randomly ask if she would be getting a shot. We didn't lie to her, we just told her we weren't sure. And thankfully, we were telling the truth. No shot. Just a finger prick, and that didn't even phase her. She was SO excited when we came and picked her up. She was bouncing off the walls. When we arrived at the doctors office, she was in the best mood and kept asking when Dr. Eastham was coming to get her. Since she likes Doc McStuffins so much, I guess she felt like she knew exactly what was going to go on. She would sing, "Check your ears, check your eyes, find out how much you've grownnnnn, time for you check up!" Sweet girl.
Waiting on Dr. Eastham!
Adalyn weighs 39 lbs-96% and is 40 1/4" in height-98%! Dr. Eastham referred to her as a giant. :) I am very short so I am beyond thrilled that she will be a tall girl! I have always wanted to be just a little bit taller so I'm glad she is taking after Adam in the height category!

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