Friday, November 7, 2014

Adalyn's 1st slumber party!

Adalyn turns 5 in just a few short days (I STILL cannot believe it!) so we thought it would be fun for her to have a friend come over to stay the night. Her and Chloe are such sweet sweet friends so we were thrilled she was able to come play with us! Last Saturday Adam and Landon headed to the farm while Adalyn and I went to a baby shower and ran some errands that morning. Around 2:15, Chloe came over and the fun began! It was a really cold day but I bundled them up and we headed outside to play. Those girls (and myself) jumped on the trampoline for the longest time, played on the swing set, and ran around the yard playing "Jake and the Neverland Pirates". They laughed the entire time and I truly enjoyed watching them. Flashbacks of my slumber parties went through my head and I know for a fact, these girls had a blast! We played with the bubble machine, rode bikes, and colored with chalk. When we finally went inside, I started to cook supper while they went back and forth from Adalyn's room to the play room and finally they parked it in the kitchen and played with play dough. I couldn't believe how tired I was from running around with them outside. It was just another friendly reminder as to how out of shape I am! ha! Eventually, Adam and Landon made it home so they had a little brother following their every move. ;) For the most part, they were ok with that! After supper and baths, we got our pajamas on and made cookies before we put in Cinderella for everyone to watch. Chloe brought out her Loom bands and Adalyn was very fascinated by it. She specifically told me we needed to pull up videos on the iPad so she could show Adalyn how to make a necklace. I have to say, that whole process is very interesting! I started to think that maybe Adalyn would like to have that for her birthday until Landon accidentally stepped on the container that held approx. 3265 tiny colored rubberbands and they went everywhere. haha! We (or really Adam) picked them up and sorted them back out while I painted the girls fingernails and toenails. They requested polka dots so I pulled out some toothpicks and went to town. They weren't perfect, but they weren't bothered at all by my lack of experience! After we cleaned up, we brushed teeth and while Adam put Landon to bed, I read some books to the girls and put them to "bed". It was around 9:20 and I was officially exhausted! I would randomly walk down the hallway to see if I could hear them and every time I did, they were still up and talking. lol Finally at about 10:30, I went in there and layed on the bed and said it was time to go to sleep :) I knew they were both so so tired! Which reminds me, they were both very adamant about sleeping on the floor so I pulled out all of our big blankets and they each had a sleeping bag, and they had the fluffiest pallet ever! ;) Once they had fallen asleep, I went back to our bedroom. Adam and I forgot about the time change and at 5:45 AM, I hear two little girls outside our door. Once we realized it was only 4:45, I made them go back to bed. I believe I sent them back 4 times until I gave up :) By 5:45, we were watching Disney Jr. and Chloe was making a necklace for Adalyn out of her loom bands. Granted, even though it was 5:45, our bodies really felt like it was 6:45 so it worked out fine. I knew for a fact though that both girls would be extremely tired after church. I cooked cinnamon rolls and we had fruit and applesauce and played all morning, then got ready for Church. 

After church, Shawnda told me that Chloe took a long nap. If you read my blog, you know that typically every Sunday afternoon we all 4 nap and it's glorious! We put the kids in their beds and we all woke up a little before 4:00. 

It's safe to say Adalyn's very first slumber party was a success and as a momma, I am so thankful  for Chloe and Adalyn's sweet little friendship and was glad Chloe was her very first friend to spend the night with Adalyn. I pray their friendship will continue to grow and that they will be the best of friends!
Thanks Chloe for coming over- we all had a wonderful time!

They were holding hands :)
Love them both!

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