Sunday, September 2, 2012

Adalyn's balloon!

Hi again! It has been a little over a week since I last blogged and I feel like so much has gone on with the kids and I'm afraid I can't remember everything! I'll start off with this picture of Adalyn reading her Bible to Adam.
Every night before bed I read a few stories to her and without fail, she always asks me to read "the poor man" (as she calls it)... aka The Good Samaritan. I can barely finish up the other stories before she is begging me to turn the page to that one. I love that she loves her Bible so much. She was sitting on my lap yesterday and we started talking about the Bible, Heaven, and my Grandmother. We talk about her everyday but this particular instance she looked at me and said, " Grandmother still in the hospital?" Long story short, last November, right before her birthday, I decided to take Adalyn to the hospital to see my grandmother one last time. When we got there, they had JUST taken her to ICU and 13 years and younger aren't allowed in the rooms. I could cry typing this but Adalyn wasn't able to see my Grandmother before she passed away. To this day, Adalyn talks about Grandmother and she always says she is still in the hospital. I remind her she is in heaven with Jesus and after she asked if she was in the hospital I gently reminded her that she is in heaven. Her eyes got real big and said, "With my Jesus and my balloon?" So this leads me to my next story and our day yesterday (Saturday)... her balloon. After Landon woke up from his morning nap yesterday we loaded up and headed to Murfreesboro.Our first stop was The Children's Shoe Co. to buy Landon some new shoes! He is walking ALL OVER our house now! YAY for Landon! The poor kid stays shoeless most of the time but since he is walking decent now, we knew he needed some good shoes. That's my favorite place to go for their shoes. They measured him and he is a size 5 wide and Adalyn is a 9.5. After trying a couple on Landon, we found the perfect pair.
I know, cute right? They are adorable on him. You know me so I couldn't leave the store without getting some brown mary jane's for Adalyn for the fall and winter seasons but her size hadn't come in yet so I'm waiting until they arrive. Adalyn needed to pee before we left and as she was washing her hands I told her to ask her dad if we could go to Sonic. (how could you say no to her when she asks a question like that?!) I really was the one who wanted to go and I knew without a doubt it would take zero convincing for Adam to decide. So we got a yummy lunch. Adam and I cheeseburgers and the kids shared chicken fingers. We then went to Party City to pick up a few things for Landon's party (and Adalyn's). Don't you know Adalyn was in heaven. I don't think she stopped talking the entire time we were in there. So much to see, so much to touch. She had a great time and Landon just sat in the shopping cart just staring at everything we passed.We got what we needed and then headed back home. Landon was extremely tired by this point and we knew he would crash as soon as we put him in his seat. We didn't want him to so to keep him awake, we blew up a balloon.
He and Adalyn and a blast playing with this balloon on the way home. It kept them both awake and when we did get home, I put Landon down for his nap then me and Adalyn crawled into my bed and napped. When I finally started to wake up, I opened my eyes and was watching her sleep and her eyes pop open and look right at me. I guess she could "feel" I was staring at her and she said, in a strict mom voice, "Momma! Go to sleep!" She snatches the covers and turns over to doze back off. I just laughed inside. Once I got up, I walked into the living room to find Landon sitting on Adam's lap. He had only been up for 5 minutes Adam said so we all had a great nap. Adam stayed up and watched football. We then fed the kids and left for Levi's birthday party. We all had a great time eating, catching up with friends, and watching the kids jump in the bounce house.
Landon was a little too small to be in the bounce house for long with all the big kids that were there, so he crawled around the room, people held him, he ate, got a bottle, and played peek-a-boo with Adalyn.
He did some walking around...
and Adalyn ate cake!
Do whatttt?? She must not be my child. She is so picky about food and doesn't even eat a lot of sweets but she sure did dig in to her slice of cake. When we finally got ready to leave, Adalyn left with two balloons. ( I told you I was getting to the balloon story! Glad you bared with me) A green star and a yellow smiley face. I tied the green star balloon around her wrist as we were walking out the door and I went to tie the other one. For whatever reason she said No that she wanted to hold it and for whatever reason I was dumb enough to grant her request. We warned her if she let it go it would fly away. We get to the car, start opening doors and putting bags in and I just so happened to look over at Adalyn. She let her smiley face balloon go. It took her about 2 seconds to realize the balloon was not coming back to her and she ran in my arms crying her little heart out. I just sat right there in the parking lot and held her and let her cry. Her little heart was broke, more like smashed in a million pieces and my heart felt the same way. She was so sad and so confused she just kept staring in the sky as it got higher and higher. She was holding my neck so tight and sobbing her eyes out. During those few minutes an image popped in my head for a split second. What came to mind was that one day I would be holding her and letting her cry in my arms as a teenager for some reason other than a little, yellow, smiley face balloon. I figure when that time comes it will be a friend problem or a boy problem so I just shook my head back to reality and was thankful it was a balloon at this time that broke her heart and not something else. I finally put her in the car and on the way home she kept asking why her balloon left her and that it was going to Heaven all while continually sobbing. She was traumatized by loosing that balloon and I told Adam I remember loosing one as a child and it broke my heart too so she gets it honestly. She talked about it the rest of the night and we tied her green balloon to the side of her bed so it will be "safe". Poor baby. She didn't talk much about it today but every time we were in her room I could hear her talking about her balloon flying away to Heaven. So parents, tie your child's balloon to their wrist! It will save you this traumatizing experience!

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