Thursday, August 29, 2013

"Nah, I'll be ok...."

This morning (Thursday) as I was taking Adalyn to her 2nd day of preschool, I told her I was going to miss her. Expecting a response like, "I will miss you too!" did not come out of her mouth. She smiled and said, "Ok"..... Ok? Really? Nope, that's not going to work! So I laughed and said, "Adalyn, you're suppose to say I will miss you too! Won't you miss me?" She responded, "Nah, I'll be ok with my teachers." And so it begins. My little girl is showing little signs that she does not need me as much as she once did. I am glad that she is so happy and excited about preschool so I'm really not all that sad she made that comment. It's just another example that she is growing and learning to be (somewhat) independent. 

When she woke up this morning, she came down the hall waving at me and immediately told me she woke up upside down in her bed. ha. Crazy girl. I had an outfit picked out for her but she was pretty adamant that she wanted to wear something else. (I am so NOT ready for her to have a say-so in her clothes. lol) It wasn't a big deal so we decided on something else. She also said she wanted a pony tail with a bow. 

I am happy to say Landon's 2 year molars are IN!!!! Can you jump up and down with me?!
 Well, the top 2 are in, everytime I try to look at the bottom two, his tongue is so wide that area has been covered up. ha. But his mood has changed and he's eating a lot more now. It took about a week of crankiness and snotty noses to get those to cut the gums.

When I took Adalyn to school on Tuesday, Nancy informed me that once Landon realized she had left, he walked to her room to look for her and put his arms up and said, "Where did sissy go?" "Where did daddy go?" "Where did mommy go?" lol That was so sweet to hear. 
Landon goes back and forth between calling her "sissy" and "Adnen". 

Landon woke up at 6:30 this morning and when I heard him open his door, I walked back to meet him. He then walked to his bed and said, "I fall down, go boom!" This is his comment to me every morning. He then walked me over to his books and said, "Caps for Sale". Anyone remember that book? (I remember it from Kindergarten) That is one of his favorite books so we started off his day immediately with a good book. 

Here are a few random pictures from the past week...

Landon enjoying a slice of pizza and watermelon at the Church picnic

Another evening of letting the kids stick their head out of the sunroof :)

Burger King before Church last Wednesday. We eat really healthy in this family ;)

Adalyn loves coloring, painting, drawing, learning letters, etc. Since Adam is in the Elementary setting now, he is learning A LOT, but is also learning what kids need to know by the time they enter Kindergarten. Score! So Adalyn gets the inside scoop on that plus she has a retired teacher as her Memaw so she gets double the dose of schooling :) Anyway, I made this sheet for her yesterday. She was to find all the uppercase B's and the lowercase b's. She circled them and also traced them. This is such an easy activity for your kids to do! I plan to make her a new sheet every day and focus on one letter for her to spot.

Until next time!

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