Monday, May 5, 2014

Field Trip

Last Thursday Adalyn's class, as well as the pre-k class, went to Bounce U for their end of the year field trip. We had never been there before and I have always heard such great things about that place. I was just as excited as Adalyn was to go! 
I am so thankful for my job and that I have the flexibility to be able to enjoy things like this with her. We met there at 9:30 and the kids jumped just shy of 2 hours straight! Bounce U was only opened for First Steps Pre-school so we had the entire place to ourselves. Kids were running everywhere and all the moms were able to talk (and jump!) as well. I really had a great time! Adalyn was sweating like crazy but it didn't bother her one bit. She and all the other kids went full speed the entire time. Around 11:15, we went into the party room for pizza and drinks. They were all so hungry they ate their slice of pizza and drank lemonade. Well, Adalyn didn't drink it. She wouldn't even try it. She is my water girl. (Landon on the other hand will drink anything you give him...) They also had pizza for the adults as well and I have to say, that was the first time (probably ever in my life) that I passed on pizza. I had already fixed a turkey sandwhich and I didn't want it to go to waste so I rose above-ha! For those that know me and my love for pizza, this is huge. After she ate, we cleaned up and made our way to the car. As we were walking through the lobby, we passed by their gift section. T-shirts, toys, etc. She asked if she could get a toy and I told her no, that she didn't need one. By the time we reached the car, she was whining and begging for a toy. I told her no again and as I put her in her booster seat she said, " Momma, I'm just so tired all I want is my bed". haha! Anytime she is extremely tired and is asking to do something (or wants something) and she gets rejected, she blames her actions on her being so tired. lol. Which is indeed the truth so atleast she recognizes it! She played on my phone the car ride home and when I dropped her off to Nancy at the house, I tucked her in her bed and she took a nice long nap. I went to work for the rest of the afternoon. 
Another successful field trip is in the books!
Read about her first field trip to Granddaddy's Farm!

She just looks so, so big to me. Hard to believe she will be 5 this year!

It was hard to get the entire group into the picture but you can see her in the back. It's crazy to think that if her birthday were 3 months earlier that she would be going to Kindergarten this year! Ah! Blows my mind! But, I am glad she will be one of the older kids in her class due to her November birthday. I don't need to rush her going to Kindergarten so I am going to be sure I enjoy her last year at First Steps this coming August and take it day by day. We will be shopping for school supplies before I know it!

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