Sunday, May 25, 2014

Potty Training is in FULL SWING!

I am happy to report we are in full potty training mode at our house. Landon has been using the potty like a champ! We noticed last weekend that he was going very regularly and was telling us when he needed to go. So, we jumped on board and we have been making him wear big boy undies for the past few days. He has pooped (sorry guys, it is what it is) in the potty twice so far, but before he did that, earlier this week he pooped in his underwear twice and it didn't even phase him. lol I was glad to see he had a change of heart a day later and decide to do his business in the toilet instead of his Rocketship underwear. I haven't gotten a full report on how he has done today (Thursday), but I know yesterday I put his underwear on as soon as he woke up in the morning, Lynn put a diaper on for nap and then put underwear back on as soon as he woke up, and then the rest of the day/evening he was in underwear the entire time! Even when we went to Church last night, we kept his undies on him and he peed for his teachers during class! I slipped a diaper on before bedtime last night and did the same thing again this morning, immediately put him in underwear. As of lunch time today, he has had zero accidents. Not sure about the rest of the afternoon- haven't talked to Nancy just yet. Nap and nighttime will take a bit longer for him to get, but not having to change his diaper at all during the day so far has been wonderful. We just got our box of diapers in the mail the other day and I'm really hoping that will be the last box we have to order! He now knows how to stand at the toilet and pee, we just have to work on his aim. ;) He also loves to pee outside. Just like a guy, huh?! lol He says he wants to get the rocks or grass wet so I say, have at it!!! He gets a piece of candy every single time he uses the potty. A sticker chart would do nothing for him and when we started potty training Adalyn, we used candy as her reward as well and it worked like a charm. Landon likes candy alot more than Adalyn did/does, so he really really really wants a few M&M's or smarties :). Sometimes I will ask him if he needs to go and he will say "no". I simply say, "Do you want a piece of candy?" He immediately will run straight to the bathroom because he knows when he goes, he will get something. Adam is determined the first week he is home for summer break, that he wil lhave him potty trained. I hope that is the case, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I am just going to keep doing what we are doing and hope Landon will continue on this track. 

Here are a few random pictures from my phone

Last week we took Adalyn to school for the 3 & 4 year old screening. She was so excited to be in the library and doing "school stuff". We have a smart girl on our hands!

How sweet are they???

Last week we went to the 3rd grade play and the kids loved it!! They had so much fun and we got home really late so they were wiped out. I had to snap this picture because Landon said he wanted to "sit with sissy". 
When they aren't fighting like cats and dogs, they are actually really nice with each other. 

I took this picture before I left for work the other morning. Another (somewhat rare) case of Landon actually wanting to sit with Adalyn and look at a book. Typically, they whine the majority of the time because "he's hitting me" or Landon yelling at Adalyn just for the heck of it. 

*** I started this post last week and I'm just now able to finish it. I am sitting at home this Sunday morning instead of being at Church with my family due to the fact I have strep for the 4th time in 1 year. Adam was gone all day yesterday (he left at 4:45 to head to the farm to process chickens) and didn't get home until 3:00 or so. The kids and I have been battling snotty noses and sneezes this past week and thankfully, I felt pretty good the entire day yesterday that I had the kids to myself. We played for a few hours outside, ate lunch, read books, and I put them both down for a nap at 1:00. I then crawled on the couch and passed out myself. At 3:00, Landon comes out of his room and wakes me up. I instantly felt horrible. I was freezing cold, but my face was burning up. I was so flushed. My head was pounding and my body ached all over. Anytime I feel sick, I always text Carla to see what medicine she suggests. She told me she figured I had strep again. I was afraid she was probably right. As soon as Adam walked in the door, he took the kids to town to get me a sprite. When they got home, we made the decision to go to McMinnville to their walk-in since they didn't close until 6:00 PM. When we walk outside to get in the car, it was 80+ degrees and I had a huge blanket wrapped around me. I'm telling you, I was miserable. They did a strep test on me and of course, like I figured, it was positive. She suggested I need to see my primary doctor so he can send me to an ENT to get my tonsils removed. I am not too thrilled about that idea. The walk-in wasn't able to call in my prescription so we made it to Rite-Aid at 6:20 to find out they close at 6:00 PM on Saturdays. So we went to Wal-Greens and it was the same for them, too. I called Wal-Mart and asked what time their pharmacy closed and they said 7:00. It took about 30 or so minutes to get my antibiotic. My body ached so bad I could barely stand up straight. We finally arrived home after being gone for a few hours. The kids were restless and they were glad to just be out of the car and running around outside. Even though I had a fever, I took a hot bath because I was still freezing and ate some saltine crackers. It was an interesting afternoon/evening and I'm ready for me to kick this strep once again. 

I also want to say that Landon has woken up the past 2 mornings with a dry diaper. All yesterday he peed either in the potty or outside all day long. he did poop in his underwear once (ugh) but other than that, I didn't change one diaper! I put a diaper on for his nap and he woke up dry. Even on our trip to McMinnville then back to Manchester to Wal-Mart, he stayed dry and Adam took him once we got to Wal-Mart and he went there. So anytime we need to put a diaper on him, we have just been reusing the same one. I know he will have occasional accidents but I can now officially say we are in full-time potty training mode. Once he is completely trained, I will jump for joy about not having to purchase another box of Pampers diapers!!! Pampers has gotten a lot of money out of us during Adalyn's diaper days and the 2.5 years for Landon. I see the light! We are almost there!

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