Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunday afternoon

After church Adalyn went home with my parents to stay the night and Adam and I headed home with Landon in tow to eat lunch and relax. I decided I would make use of my free time and head to Wal-Mart to buy groceries. I left the boys and they were fixing to nap. When I made it back, they were just getting up so I fed Landon and we packed up and headed to mom and dad's for dinner. My mom had sent me a picture of Adalyn and granddaddy swimming so I knew what she had been up to after she woke up from her nap! Believe it or not, she doesn't have a bathing suit for the summer yet. Shocking, I know. She can barely wear her 3T clothes and is already in 4T so it looks like she may have to try one on before I buy her one. So, a pair of Minnie Mouse panties and orange floaties worked out just fine. Who needs a bathing suit? When we got there, Adam changed into his bathsuit and he also put Landon in his. This was Landon's first expierence in the swimming pool and he loved it just as I knew he would. He absolutely loves taking a bath. He would splash for hours in the tub if we let him. We are doing a Mommy and Me swim class in July so I know he will enjoy it!
After swimming for a bit, we all went inside to a huge dinner my mom had cooked. My granddaddy ate with us too. Landon was really loud at dinner so i put a pile of shredded cheese on his tray and that hushed him up for a bit. Adalyn is such a picky eater I really hope Landon is the complete opposite. A while later, momma and Adalyn took Singer on a walk. This is one of adalyn's favorite things to do because she gets to hold the leash. Well, Singer saw a rabbit, (aka Thumper as we later named it) and took off...with Adalyn still holding the leash. Poor baby got stratched up pretty good. Her 2 fingers were bleeding, her hip, elbow, and a little bit of her thigh. After some lovin' and bandaids, she was good to go. Adam and I left a little bit later. Got home, put Landon to sleep and then we went to bed ourselves.

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