Wednesday, July 25, 2012

So many new things!

I need to update everyone on what's going on with us! I started a new job 3 weeks ago and LOVE it. Adam goes back to work next week so that means we will have Lynn again! We have missed her so much. Adalyn is still so intrigued with cows, chickens, and now pigs. She asks Adam daily if she can watch pigs on YouTube. Adam asked her the other day if she wanted to be a teacher or a farmer. I'll give you one guess what she said back. Farmer! We put her elmo potty in the attic the other day since all she ever uses is the toilet now so we will pull it back down once Landon is at the age to potty train. Adalyn loves her "big kid" bed. She really likes to take all of her baby dolls and stuffed cows off and make up her bed multiple times during the day. She called me today because she was so excited to let me know that she ate a peach during lunch. She was squealing and talking so fast. This girl is the pickiest eater I have ever came across. There is a handful of things we know she will eat. I took her grocery shopping with me the other day and I came across Dunkaroos. Instantly brought back childhood memories. I loved them so I figured she would too. I mean come on, it's cookies and chocolate icing to dip in. I want you to know she wouldn't eat it. It kind of surprised me because she loves chocolate but I wasn't too disheartened about it. That just meant I could eat them. Since she is so picky, we have made sure to let Landon try just about anything we are eating in hopes that he will not be like her as he gets older. So far, the kid will eat just about anything we offer him. I had Adam lower his mattress down to the lowest setting the other night. It was at the middle setting but I have noticed him hiking his leg and trying to climb "up" the couch or trying to climb out of the bathtub so I figured it was time. We also packed up the excersaucer and jumperoo about a month ago, too! My living room is slowly starting to get back to its original self. Thank goodness for a playroom to keep all toys! We do have a canvas tote that holds some of Landon's toys in the living room but he rarely sits and plays. He is a boy on the go and wonders all over the house. The other night when we had that big storm, Adalyn made her way into our bed around 1:00AM. She went right to sleep and didn't budge the rest of the night. The storm kept me awake on and off and I just knew it would wake Landon up. Thankfully, I didn't hear a peep out of him until 6:30 that morning. I was really shocked that anyone could sleep peacefully through that loud of a storm. We have discovered that Landon loves pretzel sticks. He keeps one in each hand and chows down. I was also eating a sausage and cream cheese croissant yesterday and he nibbled off tiny bites then decided he liked it and took a huge chunk out of it. I sure hope he continues his eating pattern and liking new foods. That will makes things so easy!

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