Friday, August 3, 2012

So vocal!

Landon is so vocal these days. He was "yelling" Da Da at the top of his lungs yesterday. It was adorable. I have been telling him to say "ma ma" for months and months now. He just looks at me and says "Da Da". Thanks Landon. We are having to keep their bathroom door closed now since Landon has decided that's his favorite place to be. He crawls so fast to get in there before I close the door. He pulls up on the toilet, (will stick his hand in it if it's open)and immediately starts unrolling the toilet paper. So for whatever bathroom we are in, the first thing Adam and I now do is take the toilet paper off the holder. Adalyn has watched us do that countless times so now she says, " No no bubba" and takes it upon herself to take the roll off for us. It's funny to think back to when Adalyn was Landon's age. We had to do the same thing for her (take it off the holder) and now we are watching her take great pride in her roll as big sister and look after Landon and try to "teach" him what he can and cannot do. Any window he sees that has blinds on them, you can guarantee he pulls himself up and starts beating them on the window. Adalyn always moves his hands and then comes to us to tattle on him. Yes, that has already started! Adalyn has the best manners for a 2 1/2 year old and I have to say I'm pretty proud of her. It's the cutest thing to hear her ask for something. "May I have my milk please?" "Excuse me daddy" and my favorite, "Thank you for my yunch (lunch) daddy!". She has been saying "yes sir" to me the past few days and I have to remind her that I am not a boy. We really haven't stressed a whole lot about manners. We have always just reminded her what to say when she asks for something like her milk, toy, etc. and to say thank you when someone gives her something. Aside from playing really hard and being the sweetest, most polite 2 year old I have ever been around (yes, I am biased), here are a few pictures from our week. Landon eating his egg whites
Mowing with Adam. This was Landon's first time to ride! He kept a pretty serious face.
Adalyn is really interested in "helping" us cook at the moment. (notice the huge butternut squash in the background? That will last Landon over a month!)
One of Landon's favorite places to play... under the kitchen table
He has discovered a new cabinet. He obviously enjoys pulling everything out so instead of picking it up, I let him (and Adalyn) play with everything while I grabbed my camera. It kept them both occupied while I finished cleaning the kitchen. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

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