Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday at the beach!

It's about time I finish up my blog posts about our beach trip! I always blog while at work because I don't make the time to do it at night. With the 4th of July Holiday being last week, we closed the office early on Wednesday so that it why I haven't blogged in a few days. 

Tuesday night (remember it was our date night! Read my previous post) when we got back to the condo, the kids were asleep so we hopped right into bed and went to sleep ourselves. We woke up Wednesday ready for another full day at the beach! 

We had the best set up at the beach. My dad has a huge tent we kept up everyday, we had lots of chairs, towels, beach toys, a cooler, and a radio so we were set! Landon always felt the need to walk all over the towels as soon as we would lay them down on the sand. We quickly learned to lay the towels down when the kids were getting ready to nap or when we wanted to sit and eat snacks. 

And here he goes. About to stomp all over freshly put down towels...

Can you just look at that sweet face?

I can't remember if I blogged about her nice scrape she acquired while at the water park. Check it out-- looks kind of bad doesn't it? By now, it is obviously gone. I put neosporin on it all day long until it was healed up. She still has a nice little scar but I'm hoping it will eventually fade away. We weren't there (at the water park) 45 minutes before she did this. When I first noticed it, it was a little mark at the very top of her nose. My mom said she fell going down a little slide. Then as she was standing right next to me in water that came to my shin (we were in the kiddie area) she decided she would turn a flip in the water. She popped right up and put her head on my stomach. I know it had to of hurt her but she didn't cry the first tear. I held her head for a few seconds, then she pulled away and ran off to play and go down another slide. It wasn't until much later that day that it started to look like it does in the above pictures. I was glad we were at the beach because I knew the salt water would really help it heal.

Here, she specifically asked that I take her picture.
Then she told me she she wanted to jump.
You can see her hair flying but her feet already hit the ground.

During this time, Landon was snoozing away...

Once he finally woke up, he ate a pop tart with Granddaddy.

Then Landon wanted to roam around

Adalyn played in the sand
Then I decided to put a hat on Landon. I could just see his pale, white head turning red

Ok, back to Adalyn playing in the sand...

These two were chillin in their chairs...
Love my mom's added hat?

Then Adam buried me...

You can't go to the beach without writing in the sand... don't you know that?

Again, enough with the cuteness!

We headed back to the room around 4:00 or so to get ready for our night out. We cooked spaghetti and had salad and bread for dinner. I then dressed Adalyn and just me and her went to the beach for some pictures. I'm a sucker for smocked dresses (smocked anything really) and when I bought this dress, I knew it would be perfect for our beach trip. 

After pictures, we loaded up in the car and headed to Pier Park for the evening.
We had a mini shopping spree in Carter's (Thanks mom and dad! :)

And we walked around, rode the carousel one more time, shopped, and got some ice cream. I was still so full from supper that I skipped out on ice cream.

My dad and Adam ended up staying and watched a movie. My mom and I took the kids back to put them  to bed.  It was 9:00 or so by this time so we were drained!

Oh yeah, I just noticed it in this picture (and remembered) but Landon kept asking for french fries so we went in to 5 Guys and got him some. See the fries sticking out of the ketchup cup?

I have no idea what time they got back from the movies. I was zonked out!

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