Friday, September 9, 2011

Football Game

Wow, I sure have been on a roll lately when it comes to blogging. unfortunately, I know it will probably come to a major hault when landon gets here. But i am going to TRY to not let that happen! We took Adalyn to the Coffee Pot game tonight. It was also Homecoming. She had a blast! We went to the tailgate party when we first got there. O'Charley's catered it with steak, chicken, and a baked potato.It was good! Adalyn was a little shy for whatever reason and just wanted me or Adam, until she saw Hope! (or hopie as she says) Anyway, we went in and found some seats. She sat with Holly for a little bit then was saying "MAMA" really loud when she decided she wanted to come back to me and adam. I tell you what. this child has the best personality ever. She is such a hoot and had myself, adam, and every person surrounding us laughing at her. She would dance to the music, scream "YAYYYYYY" and "GOOO!!!" when everyone would cheer, and she kept her eyes on the balloons that were lining the fence. Everytime a balloon drifted up in the air, she would put her finger on her chin and say "hummmm". she pigged out on cheetoes and popcorn. Yes, popcorn. I know its "dangerous" but she loves the stuff and eats it so well. Don't worry. We were watching her like a hawk. She kept rubbing her orange fingers all of our shirts or she would put her thumb in my mouth to lick it b/c it was "messy". We left at half time but before we did, she HAD to touch a balloon. She touched her balloon and then off we went! It was a fun night. Ever since I have been home, I have been having more contractions. I do believe I saw a full moon tonight... Anyway- off to bed. Here is my latest belly picture.

38 weeks 4 days
1.5 cm dilated

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