Wednesday, September 7, 2011

1.5 cm dilated!

Yay! Last week, I was just at a finger tip dilated... this week, 1.5! She said she could feel his head. So, any day now really. I was 2-3 cm with Adalyn for about 2 weeks so I seriously doubt this means I will have him early. Again, which is (semi) fine. In my mind, I still have a lot of things to get organized before he makes his entrance.(finish packing, etc) My parents are staying in a hotel in Nashville next Friday so they will be taking care of Adalyn. Since they will all be there Friday and Saturday, it's just easier to have a place to take her where she can swim, nap, etc. Nancy, my mom, and my self have bought Adalyn a ton of "things" to keep her occupied at the hospital. We have to be there next Friday between 5:30 and 5:45 am. Shew! If the hospital wasnt an hour away from home it wouldn't be so bad! haha But, we will be too excited for that to even matter. I have been having more contractions today but they seem to be a little worse at night though. I had them Sunday pretty bad. They started after Church and lasted all afternoon and evening. Other than that, I am feeling ok. My fingers still hurt which my doctor told me today it's Carpal Tunnel. My blood pressure is perfect, gaining weight (like always haha), and she said she thinks I'll have him pretty fast once the induction has started. Which i hope that is the case! =) I was in labor with Adalyn for 6.5 hours so for a first time birth, I hear that's pretty fast. I'm getting my hair done tomorrow and eye brows waxed. I will feel like a new woman. I'll have Adam take my 38 week belly picture once I look half way decent. =) I must say, this Fall like weather is making me enjoy my sweatpants and socks. Ok landon, mama loves you and we will see you soon!

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