Wednesday, June 20, 2012

9 Months Old!

Saturday, June 16, Landon turned 9 months old. That was our first day in Helen, GA to spend a long weekend with family but I'm so glad I remembered to bring his 9 month sticker so I could take his picture. Since the day he turned 1 month old, I have placed him somewhere so I could get his picture with his monthly sticker. I loved the idea of doing this because it really gives you a great idea as to how much he has grown month by month. It's amazing. Well, this is the first month he would not just sit still for me. In the past, I was able to plop him down anywhere and he would just smile and laugh. This month on the other hand was a different story. Now that he's crawling everywhere, he immediately started to get on all fours to take off. Adam ended up standing him up so I could get a good shot that way. Here is an update on our 9 month old! We took him for his check up yesterday and he weighed 21 lbs 2 oz and was 29 3/4 inches long! Big, big boy! He wears size 4 diapers, 12 month clothes, and 18 month swim trunks. He crawls all over the place. When I'm holding him and he's ready to get down, he will practically wiggle his way out my arms and as soon as he hits the floor, he's off. He also can sit himself up after he is finished crawling. It's amazing what one week can do for a baby. About a week or so ago he was only pulling up while in the bathtub, now, he pulls up on anything he can touch. When he pulls up in the tub, he always has a toy in his hand and then will let go for a few seconds and balance himself before he sits back down. As soon as he hits the water, he is reaching for the side of the tub again to stand back up. He would much rather be standing than sitting now. I try to sit him down in front of his toys and he straightens those legs out and arches his back because he wants to stand. He loves walking when we hold his hands. He thinks he's big stuff. I nurse him 5 times a day and he eats solids 3 times with snacks occasionally. He is a wonderful sleeper and so easy going. He is clapping and now waves "Bye Bye", but only when he feels like it. He also signed "All Done" the other day after Adam finished feeding him. He hasn't done it since but he will soon enough. His 7th tooth broke the skin this morning. I see another bottom one trying to work its way out, too. He loves being in the pool. He sticks his hand in the water then sucks on it.Then repeats the process over and over again. With Adalyn we were pretty cautious as to what we gave her to eat. We made all of her food and we do the same for Landon. We didn't really let her eat table food unless it was "healthy". With Landon, we basically let him eat whatever we are eating. It's amazing how much different you are with your second. It's not that you care less, it's just you know it's OK for them to do or eat certain things. He recently had his first chocolate chip cookie which he loved. He also had some bites of a brownie dessert, cooked whole carrots, mashed potatoes which he didn't care too much for, Popsicles,and some bites (or more like licks) of my turkey sausage I had for breakfast this morning. His favorite snack would have to be Banana. We pull off a large piece and he holds it himself and eats it that way. I can't believe in 3 short months we will be celebrating his first birthday! I have everything planned out in my mind, i just have to get on the ball and start buying things. Happy 9 Months Landon Riley!

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