Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Mother of the Year Award...

goes to me. No, not really. I definitely don't deserve this whatsoever! Landon got his first major , ok little, boo boo today. I had him in his room standing by his leap frog learning table that he loves. He will stand there for the longest time and then sit down and crawl to something else when he's done. I put him in front of that so I could run back to the computer and finish downloading a design to my card for sewing. I heard a thud and a huge cry so i obviously high tailed it down the hall to see what had happened. I found him next to the wall and he had pulled his Sock Monkey night light out of the socket. The sock monkey cut a little of his eyelid as it fell to the floor. I saw blood so of course I immediately wanted to throw up, (blood doesn't bother me but when I see it on my baby it does. I know, I know, suck it up!)hold him, call Adam, then call Carla. That's what went through my mind in about 3 seconds. Adam because I wanted him home and Carla to tell me he was okay since she's a nurse. ha. I knew he was going to be ok, but something about seeing your baby hurt just does something to you. And this was just a little cut with a little blood. I could not even begin to imagine those parents who have had to deal with their baby/child being in the hospital for whatever reason. I am so thankful it didn't hit his actual eye. His little eyelid is just so thin it instantly started to swell a little. I got a wipe so I could dab the blood and he wailed even louder. So I grabbed a washcloth (dry) and tried to dab again and ended up just giving up on that. I figured the wipe made it burn and he obviously just didn't want anything touching it at the moment so I just sat in his chair and rocked him. After about 5-10 minutes, he was trying to crawl out of my arms so he could go play. My stomach was in knots for a while after that just because I hated that it happened. Every time he rubs his eyes, he whimpers a little. But, the good thing about it happening to a baby, he has already forgotten about it. Adalyn was real concerned about him when she first saw it. Her instinct was to "play doctor" on him which I quickly told her not to think about it. So instead she babied him and gave him kisses. Adam had to tell me that this was the first of MANY cuts and bruises for him and to basically get prepared. I already know that but I'm sure when he (and Adalyn) are 16 and playing ball and get hurt, I will want to cry. And for those who are wondering, the night light is in his closet on a shelf. It kind of makes me sad because that was the cutest night light ever. It's a shame I had to put it away! Ugh, doesn't it look bad?! Most of the blood you see is dried. It looks just like a regular cut once we gave him a bath tonight so it doesn't look as bad. It is still swollen but I know that will go away soon. Poor baby!

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